(shamelessly stolen from an imgur dump)
Resell my free gravel for huge profits
Have a great street magic trick where I ask the spectator to empty a single container out of many with my back turned, but I can always pick out which one
I’ll be Cris Angel, Gravel King
Redmond and blutarch are gonna be SEETHING when I collapse the gravel industry
2 and 3 easy.
Free gravel for life. So I have an endless supply of product I can sell for profit? Yes please.
And I see no time-limit on the teleportation. 7 inches at a time. Sure. But what stops me from instantly teleporting another 7 inches? And who says I can only do it horizontally. Pretty much giving me the ability to fly here. I’ll take it.
Options 2 and 3.
Free gravel, assuming that means it just sort of appears where I want it in as much volume as i want, means I can simply create a massive stockpile of it in a very convenient location for construction projects and sell it by the yard for literally free money. Or sell it directly and conjure it up right where the foreman wants it.
Teleporting 7 inches is enough to pass through most doors which are less than 2" thick. That is infinitely more useful than you think it is…
As long as you maintain a personal diameter of <5 inches. If not, some door will trim it for you.
Cath here is that if you teleport accidentally into an object that object becomes a part of you.
3 and 7 💯. I’m breaking into all the places.
Exactly. One power lets you see if it’s safe, and the second one teleports you into the space you know to be empty.
Most walls are more than 7 inches thick. You’d just get stuck.
Doors exist.
Well if I can only pick #2 I guess I’m gonna get free gravel.
Free gravel it is 😒. Why would someone make a quiz with no choice ?!
Sell free gravel you got Gravel to construction companies by the ton.
Definetly 2. You can make millions with that shit.
Does the gravel have to be delivered or does it appear out of thin air?
It comes out of your nose
2 and 7, obviously. Good luck anyone carrying an empty box within my vicinity.
8 and 9.
I figure I can either make bank lending the anthropologists/archeologists a hand with an extinct language, or at least have a bunch of fun bringing it back to life as a personal hobby.
And really? No one’s picking nine? Have any of you seen Albert Einstein’s calves? He biked regularly. If it turns out I can outrun him now, that won’t always be the case as my sedentary ass ages.
No matter how crap my skeleton becomes, I’m giving myself an automatic default level of movement that isn’t all that shabby
Albert Einstein is dead. You couldn’t run at all.
Probably because you can just take teleportation instead
Bedridden, trying not to attract the attention of the government as I slowly teleport my 99yr old fail body a couple inches at a time towards the bathroom instead of being able to get up and jog.
- No stipulations on how frequently I can teleport 7". Like, can’t I just teleport 7" constantly and very quickly? Also, sounds like I could probably use this ability to fly.
Gravel is a very important construction aggregate.
Although it depends of the mechanics of how useful 2 would be. Does the gravel just like spear near you? Is there just a guy who gives you bags of gravel? Do you have to go to a specific location to get it? Is there a limit to the through put? What’s the volume of out out of the gravel. what type of gravel is it? Could it be processed for other minerals?
Like, free gravel sounds pretty damn awesome based on the mechanics.
After taking the pill, a pile of gravel the exact size and weight to be just enough to kill you lands on you immediately.
Imagine being able to generate gravel over every single road crack and never fixed hole.
You can’t generate it man. You fill out a form and put a postage stamp on it and then they give you a shipping date and you still have to pay for delivery, the gravel itself is of course gratis though.
Delivery of a ton of gravel costs more than the actual gravel.
You im gonna do some jojo shit with number 2 and 3. You can drown anyone with gravel or silently kill them by making it appear in their body(lungs, veins, etc). You can also use it as an armor. And with teleportation you can do a lot of small teleportations fast to badically travel with sny speed. And depending on how teleportation is defined you can do op stuff with it.
3 and 7. With 3 you can essentially walk through walls, and with 7 you will know exactly which boxes you don’t need to check when looking for something.