03 track 3.mp3 03 track 3(1).mp3
Hearing a song that you’ve downloaded playing on the radio, surprised it didn’t skip in that one spot
There was a pirated copy of “We are the Champions” by Queen circulating LimeWire and Kazaa circa 2003 that’s given a generation of people mental whiplash.
Some hooligan thought it would be funny to splice/cut/edit “of the world” at the end of the song, so it concludes with “We are the champions” (jump cut / obvious splice) “of the wooooorld.”
There’s entire threads out there dedicated to finding that copy of the song because millions of people have heard it, but no one makes the connection between the hostile actors modifying those songs and sharing them on file-sharing applications versus the originals.
There were also numerous garage band covers circulating around also - “Smells like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana was a popular one to hear in extremely low quality with someone banging spoons or something.
Naz remembers.
I accidentally downloaded a version of Du Hast back in the day that had a whole bunch of StarCraft unit quotes mixed into it that my dad fell in love with, despite never playing StarCraft. He literally likes it better than the real version lol.
Oh shiiiiiit son I remember getting in an argument with my cousin about that!!
What do you mean? Didn’t Freddie sing it that way live? It doesn’t end that way on the studio recording? Did they edit the studio version to match the live renditions?
Hearing a song that you’ve downloaded playing on the radio, surprised it didn’t skip in that one spot
To this day my brain still jams in neutral when I don’t hear a skip at the end of Guerilla Radio the last time Zach says “now”
Why did Toto load up their music with malware? I tried to listen to this just now, but all I got were 23 toolbars in my IE5!
Getting so many songs by the wrong artist.
I had headstrong_linkinpark.
I could never find it on their albums.
Years later find out its by Trapt instead haha
Can’t think of a one hit wonder band with a more bigoted piece of shit as the front man. Dimly lite souls, the entire lot.
I thought “Bittersweet Symphony” was an Oasis song for years thanks to Limewire.
Different problem, same vibe.
House of the Rising Sun by Pink Floyd. Turns out it was a cover ny Frijid Pink.
Pretty sure the biggest victims of this were Rockapella (who apparently did every a cappella song) and Weird Al (who apparently recorded every comedy song).
Here’s how cool Al Yankovic is though: for years he maintained a list on his website of every comedy song falsely attributed to him and all the actual artists who made them. I don’t think it’s up anymore, there can’t be much need for it these days, but Al was very cool for doing that.
It wasn’t entirely altruistic on Weird Al’s part; he was also upset about getting associated with comedy songs that had profane lyrics.
I think I had crimson and clover by “Pink Floyd”
Rage Against The Machine - DX Theme
That Zelda song from some Flash video labeled as System of a Down.
Crawling_(9-11_Remix).mp3 (bonus points if it’s spelled Crawlin’)
Yes. I once downloaded a Stroke9 greatest hits album, and it included the song “Story of a girl”. When it came on, I thought “huh, I didn’t know they did this song. Cool.” Then for more than 10 years I thought it was their song.
Don’t Worry Be Happy by Bob Marley was the one I remember. It was not by Bob Marley at all. It was by Bobby McFarren and came out years after Marley died.
Did everyone just think that the song was made by Bob Marley?
I think it was because it sounded like reggae and most people only know of one reggae singer.
Hehe : “AC/DC - Born to be wild”
Also “AC/DC - Jailbreak” which I later found was not ACDC… And later found it actually was.
(and yes, ac/dc because why not)
Good tune
Had one that was labeled as “Metallica + Trans-Siberian Orchestra”. Took me years to find out it was actually Savatage
If anyone was wondering, it was Rabbit Joint that did the Zelda cover
I had Green Day - Story of a girl
In fact if you go to https://www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/green_day you will see Story of a Girl listed as #5 of their top 5 songs.
The song is by Nine Days.
Those don’t hold a candle to Track05-UnknownArtist
.wma or .mp3 tho?
or *.mp3 .exe
I spent way too much time back in the day updating metadata of music, renaming them, etc
Same here. I had my iTunes library meticulously organized. Finding mp3s, downloading them, importing them, then updating the metadata.
And now I just use Spotify lol
I still do all this shit. I’ll never switch to those DRM infested subscription services bullshit
I just use a cracked version of Spotify ;)
What I hate most about spotify is that you can’t block artists. It’s always pushing stuff I don’t like and I can’t do anything to stop it
You absolutely can block artists
Does it require a paid sub? Because I never found a way with a free account
No, you can do it under artist profile
Thanks Picard for being an absolute legend at automating all this stuff, i do it on my pc too despite being extremely lazy.
What’s Picard 👀
From MusicBrainz - it can identify the audio fingerprint of music and tag its Metadata appropriately. It never worked for me back in c. 2002 though because my pc was too slow to run the analysis - and I gave up.
My first smartphone had a faster clock speed than that beige XP tower.
Getting those album covers looking MINT!
Cant have no low res album covers
I even typed up all the lyrics to all my songs.
Oh I spent a good amount of time synchronizing lyrics too lol
deleted by creator
Ugh… the time I’ve spent, in general, organizing and categorizing files of various types … Thanks
Waiting 30 minutes to download a song just to hear someone’s bad Bill Clinton impression saying “my fellow Americans…”, the best of times and the worst of times
Wait. This rings a bell, was there also an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression on this mp3?
But the file names were not as ordered and consistent like this, they were all over the place. Most of them did not even have proper meta data so I had lots of songs by “unknown artist”. Creating playlists within a music player was a mess, you basically had to sort and play songs via the file system
Track 3 by Various Artists went hard 😤🤟
Is that a sequel to Track 2 by Blur?
Oh God I hate iTunes for the compilations. I will have about 3 hours worth of music called Track # by
various artistsYouTube
I used to spend hours editing metadata for my music library on my computer but it was a constant uphill battle. My “various artists” and “unknown album” are still a mess.
Meanwhile today we have songs with much saner metadata such as https://m.soundcloud.com/laughing-mantis/x5o-p-ap-4-pzx54-p-7cc-7-eicar
Core memory unlocked! The anticipation of waiting for the download to complete and then hear something absolutely wrong was frustrating but I look back at it now and can’t help but laugh.
I had a copy of Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet that would cut out and loop back in the middle of the song. I listened to it so much I could sing along without missing a beat. Then whenever I heard the right version, it always felt weird when the song flowed through normally.
Then you end up hating the “original” because you associate the downloaded one as the original and then life can never be the same again.
Just load up Winamp and listen to it on your beige plastic speakers and forget the actual version exists.
I had more than a few tracks that had AIM sign in/out door noises in the middle. Always made me laugh
But then sometimes you download it and it’s a shitty phone recording from some obscure live session
Oh my god YES I completely forgot about that!!
“I did not have sexual relations with that woman”
Damn it! I swear that was the correct file. Oh well, here I go downloading again! I’m sure it’ll be right this time right??
My fav was downloading a track and then every 10~ish seconds it playing ‘this is Mike Jones’
Left my computer on for 2 days to download a movie and it turned out to be porn.
Porn you could watch or a wmv file that opens a website asking for payment?
Porn I could watch. However being prepubescent at the time I was shocked rather than interested.
I had that EXACT same red one. Man that rubber got really nasty feeling once a year in
Pro tip: rub the plastic with corn starch to get rid of the sticky residue
SLPT: rub me with baby oil for more sticky residue
It’s in landfill now but good to know with dealing with items with old nasty rubber
That shit had a comeback the last couple of years, it feels really premium, until it doesn’t.
Just a coincidence
This is soft touch plastic. It is a plastic with rubberized coating which unfortunately starts to melt after some time. When that happens, you can just remove the coating with isopropyl alcohol and paper towel to get just regular shiny plastic.
I feel like this song didn’t make a memetic comeback until like 2010+ and moreso after the cringey Weezer/Toto stuff.
please use a dash between artist and song name you uncivilized person!
As someone who had one of these, I’m just surprised there’s any consistency at all
There is rock hard consistency!
I still use mp3s today (no spotify or similar bullshit) and stick to the name convention: [ARTIST_NAME]-[SONG_NAME].mp3
I’ve used Spotify since about 2012, and have been considering setting up some *arr instances at some point in the future to remedy that. Music discovery is just so much easier on something like Spotify though.
*arr instances What is an *arr instance?
I still discover music the old way. I listen to it at a friends place or in the radio :D
Sonarr, Radarr, and related projects for, uh. Sailing the high seas. :-)
Mine are always [artist]/[album]/[tracknumber]-[title]
I used to use Ogg, but I’m switching to Opus because it’s a superior format.
slashes in file names is just barbaric, if you use a good and free operating system, too :)
Seems to me more like they’re just organizing their music collection into directories
slashes in file names
we call them paths, ᏏᎡᏌᎻ
No, I think those are the Windows people who put / in the file names, because back then Windows wasn’t really restrictive about stupid file names. At least I think it isn’t possible anymore, but can’t confirm, because I don’t use Windows for around 15 years.
The long filename system allows a maximum length of 255 UCS-2 characters including spaces and non-alphanumeric characters (excluding the following characters, which have special meaning within the
command interpreter of the operating system kernel:\ / : * ? " < > |
).Edit: Markdown Code format issue?
Mine is
Artist name - Song name [(Version)] (Year)[(Bitrate)]
Version is optional. It’s stuff like Radio edit, remastered, extended, etc.
Bitrate is optional as I switched to FLAC and rarely need to use MP3.
The worst one I have is something from Beatles in 32kbps HE-AAC at 22.5kHz SR with name written in Chinese. It is one of the oldest files I have.I find it a little bit weird to put meta data in the file name. Meta data is already there and you can see it on your computer with the tool exiftool (if you’re on a Linux system).
But I think you’re not on a Linux system, because you would avoid white spaces then :D
Welp, not if you used to rip from YouTube. And the files ripped from Deezer have wrong year most of the time anyway because they used it for file creation date.
And when my music touches my computer it’s only because I am backing it up (as I should be doing). The only correct information is on CD rip of “The very best of Louis Armstrong” because I put that in myself using Kid3.
Why should youtube media not have meta data? As soon media data was created, it automatically has meta data. If you create a music file, you get meta data like length, audio bitrate, sample rate, etc.
But okay, you might mean data, which is not related to the file and can be added as meta data.
Hahaha I remember using LimeWire and Bearshare.
Man I’m old.
Did you have LimeWire on your computer? Or the family computer?
No dad i didn’t you’re not blaming me for the viruses nice try
Why is your homework folder 4 GB?
Oh yeah? Well why did RealPlayer try to open your “1994 Taxes” folder?
I was like 10 so I don’t remember lol
I’ll do you one better, WinMX
Morpheus, Kazaa, and hands down the best - SoulSeek. It had by far the best users and collections.
SLSK is still alive, well, and the best place for super rare music!
Forgot about Morpheus. And what’s this “had” business with slsk?
Haha, same. We had emule und kazaa 😄
Nobody got time for that, everyone was happy listening to Unknown Artist - Unknown track
Nah my metadata was on point with notes and everything.
I used to fill out metadata like it was a hobby. Albums were in organized folders “artist/album/disc no. - track no. . track title.mp3”. Some had release year and composer metadata lol