For the Filelist thing I prefer CLI tools generally (and all the export formats I’ve seen in the features seem perfectly doable through them); but your answer about XNViewMP definitely has merits, thanks ! I’ll take a look at it
For the Filelist thing I prefer CLI tools generally (and all the export formats I’ve seen in the features seem perfectly doable through them); but your answer about XNViewMP definitely has merits, thanks ! I’ll take a look at it
I’ve seen entire corporate networks run through a samba machine, though admittedly not often; it can be done
It’s also probably a bad idea (the only upside would be security mind you)
I’ve been incredibly happy with Jellyfin on my NAS. What does Plex offer that it doesn’t, out of curiosity ?
ImageMagick is shit
I love ImageMagick despite its quirks; but then again I do not use it for professional use (well I do as a dev but I’m not a photograph or anything). What does XNViewMP does that ImageMagick doesn’t ?
Because at first glance it seems much worse - it has a graphical UI for one thing which seems inappropriate for the usecases I see ImageMagick being used for.
Also that Filelist Creator thing has existed on unix since the 70s; it’s called “find”, “ls”, and “awk”.
I really recommend it, at least the first one, it’s a classic and it’s awesome; the later two are admittedly lower quality I think, unless you’re really into cyberpunk.
The name is cool but the Tessier-Ashpool were bourgeois pigs
EMPRESS the batshit insane DRM cracker ?
Imaginary Property in general
Learning sign language sounds pretty cool but I’d be afraid to lose it even faster than an unused spoken-language if not actively using it
Also you’d be able to communicate semi-secretly like a fucking Bene Gesserit so there is also that incentive
None of us here are likely to “retire” anyway as climate-change-induced agricultural yields collapse will in turn destroy our modern societies before that
Are foreign languages classes in general not mandatory in US schools ?
Here in every kid will have classes for at least two languages (one for four years, one for two IIRC), sometimes three. Depending on where they go to school the kids will sometimes have a lot of choices (Chinese, Polish, regional languages, etc.) or sometimes only either English, Italian, German, or Spanish.
I still do all this shit. I’ll never switch to those DRM infested subscription services bullshit
Ah, makes sense, thanks; I use Jellyfin exclusively for video as well