I’d be interested to see some studies that support the idea that increased ride height in a vehicle results in fewer accidents (or fatalities or injuries, however you’d measure it) specifically because of the change in viewing angle
I’m extremely skeptical, especially since taller vehicles are becoming more common, wouldn’t that alone diminish this effect?
Then you need to dive deeper into the history of how it was developed and why it was. Reduction into just 5 steps isn’t looking into why it’s backed by an entire industry.
I’d be interested to see some studies that support the idea that increased ride height in a vehicle results in fewer accidents (or fatalities or injuries, however you’d measure it) specifically because of the change in viewing angle
I’m extremely skeptical, especially since taller vehicles are becoming more common, wouldn’t that alone diminish this effect?
The Smith System. Look into it. Science backed results.
I don’t see “sit really high” in these five driving habits
Then you need to dive deeper into the history of how it was developed and why it was. Reduction into just 5 steps isn’t looking into why it’s backed by an entire industry.