I mean i get your point but that’s wild.
There’s certain things that you can just assume are universally understood due to their crude nature. You’re not gonna argue meaningfully that the Sovjet system didn’t kill 20 million people in an attempt to control the population.
Bolsheviks did unspeakable things though.
Good thing the Bolsheviks never did anything wrong during their rule, like genociding Poles, committing mass murder in the Baltics, ethnically cleansing Crimean Tatars, brutally crushing workers’ protests and stripping them of more rights than even bourgeois capitalist democracies did, running a system of high-mortality slave labor, etc etc etc etc etc.
“Western lies.”
Yes, the USA is far worse.
How comes? Russian Civil war alone took 6 million Russian lives. USA doesn’t even get close.
consider moving your account and posts to lemmy.ml
Isn’t that the tankie instance?
I just like saying tankie now, after they banned me for saying tankie there :)
I mean they do have a point in that the word is overused, but they also lack any kind of self-reflection on their own use of the world ‘liberal’ lol
Good one 👍
After watching the latest Atun-Shei video, I’m using burger instead of bourgeois from now on.
Boy o boy did this stir a hornets nest
Yeah because it’s fucking stupid, the Bolsheviks were not saints, It’s not propaganda to know history.
Did you learn that from the freedom burger institute or heritage foundation
i dunno which one of those is emma goldman probably burger one i guess
Excuse me Mr. choke n stroke, your source is a screenshot of a tweet. You didn’t even bother to link an article, hell even screenshot an article.
Oh. That’s actually his username.
reggy reggatoni