75% you say? more like rule 3/4 then!
Best I can do is 9/12
You forgor to remove the outliers.
Sex Panther has no outliers.
3/4 of the time it applies everytime.
I have found Anna’s Archive to be more reliable than sci-hub
To be clear, Anna’s Archive now manages sci-hub’s database, doesn’t it?
I haven’t been able to find any info on that either than that Anna’s Archive mirrors sci-hub and that sci-hub has not been updated since 2021 so Anna’s Archive has a more up to date database.
Fair enough, thanks
Resource List: https://mander.xyz/post/20202747?scrollToComments=true
Can also try the NSF Public Access Repository for papers that include authors from the US.
Seems centered on books not papers
It’s both, depending on the link. If it is not on scihub or anna’s archives, you will likely be able to get it through https://wosonhj.com/