Kennedy said he planned to dedicate money generated from a sales tax on cannabis products to “creating wellness farms—drug rehabilitation farms, in rural areas all over this country.” He added, “I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need—three or four years if they need it—to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities.” The farm residents would grow their own organic food because, he suggested, many of their underlying problems could be “food-related.”
Hol up. They’ve gotten rid of all the people who used to pick fruit in rural areas, and now they want to send arbitrarily diagnosed “addicts” to these rural areas to live for “free”.
I could see someone who is addicted to hard drugs finding success with a program like this, and the phrase “if they want to” implies that going to one of these is voluntary and not compulsory, but the real question is once they are there, can they check themselves out at any time if they feel like the program isn’t working for them? Or did the government just trap them in a taxpayer funded insane asylum for the rest of their lives because they now won’t give them any psychiatric medication to help treat the antisocial symptoms?
Of all the RFK stuff I’ve heard about, this one seems like it would be his best idea and one that most liberals could get behind if it weren’t for his regressive views on psychiatric care. Getting people off drugs and back onto their feet should be a worthwhile societal goal. Getting people off of SSRIs and Adderall and other psych meds seems like it would be counterproductive.
I didn’t say that’s what you said, I asked you whether it’s what you really believe?
Suggesting that this is RFK’s “best idea” implies that this set up addresses the problem of drug abuse better than existing established rehab programs.
Virtually every bullshit medical claim RFK Jr. makes can easily be verified to be bullshit.
And he just outright lies all the time too. I heard a radio interview with him where he claimed he had hundreds of clients with golf ball-sized tumors behind their ears from using cell phones. You know how you see all those people walking around with golf ball-sized tumors behind their ears?
My guess is that these “wellness farms” will be just as costly to patients as traditional rehab programs, but at the same time the patients will be expected to do physical labor on the farms.
They’ll literally be paying to work there. Isn’t that the ultimate end-stage capitalist dream?
Hol up. They’ve gotten rid of all the people who used to pick fruit in rural areas, and now they want to send arbitrarily diagnosed “addicts” to these rural areas to live for “free”.
Not only will they live for free, but their work will truly set them free.
Arbeit macht frei.
We could even put that over the entrance to their camp to encourage them.
Slaves, they want to make us slaves
Well sad slaves… seems odd to get rid of antidepressants during such times.
Move over re-education camps, it’s time for “re-parenting farms”.
Yeah what the fuck is that about.
It’s only sinister if they are not voluntary.
Anyone with a pulse finds this sinister as fuck because it’s obvious that no one would voluntarily participate in something like this.
I could see someone who is addicted to hard drugs finding success with a program like this, and the phrase “if they want to” implies that going to one of these is voluntary and not compulsory, but the real question is once they are there, can they check themselves out at any time if they feel like the program isn’t working for them? Or did the government just trap them in a taxpayer funded insane asylum for the rest of their lives because they now won’t give them any psychiatric medication to help treat the antisocial symptoms?
Of all the RFK stuff I’ve heard about, this one seems like it would be his best idea and one that most liberals could get behind if it weren’t for his regressive views on psychiatric care. Getting people off drugs and back onto their feet should be a worthwhile societal goal. Getting people off of SSRIs and Adderall and other psych meds seems like it would be counterproductive.
Sorry mate this is just bonkers.
Do you really believe RFK has just solved drug abuse?
Why not ask people who have been working in rehab centres for decades what is needed to mitigate this complex problem.
Where exactly in my post did I say this solves the problem?
I didn’t say that’s what you said, I asked you whether it’s what you really believe?
Suggesting that this is RFK’s “best idea” implies that this set up addresses the problem of drug abuse better than existing established rehab programs.
People voluntarily go to rehab centers all the time. Court-ordered rehab is often offered as an alternative or complement to jail time.
Voluntary rehab centers don’t rent you out to factory farms as manual laborers during harvest season.
True. If you are being rented out then you are not volunteering. If there are daily quotas and
guardssupervisors then you are not volunteering.But people do volunteer for rehab. It really depends where on the wellness retreat <—> concentration camp line these things fall.
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Why the fuck would you think this is at all voluntary? Why would someone who is doing fine on prozac volunteer to be a slave to “get off” it?
The idea that you can’t just step down off an SSRI as if it’s a heroin addiction is fucking ludicrous.
The thing is it’s so easy to verify that they’re not addictive.
Virtually every bullshit medical claim RFK Jr. makes can easily be verified to be bullshit.
And he just outright lies all the time too. I heard a radio interview with him where he claimed he had hundreds of clients with golf ball-sized tumors behind their ears from using cell phones. You know how you see all those people walking around with golf ball-sized tumors behind their ears?
Thats not even how tumors work!
It depends on how you define addiction.
They create physical withdrawal. But they’re not habit-forming as they have no direct action on dopamine.
So… as physically addictive as coffee and less psychologically addictive than television.
Anyway, they’re easy to get off of if you switch to one with a long half life (prozac) and taper from there. Easier to give up than caffeine. Or TV.
I think any definition of “addiction” that includes SSRIs is so vague and general that it’s unhelpful.
There aren’t many things that people do that wouldn’t cause a measurable withdrawal if discontinued.
I didn’t see “free” mentioned anywhere.
My guess is that these “wellness farms” will be just as costly to patients as traditional rehab programs, but at the same time the patients will be expected to do physical labor on the farms.
They’ll literally be paying to work there. Isn’t that the ultimate end-stage capitalist dream?
It’s not a forced labour prison, it’s a camp, where addicts are concentrated together to work. What’s the problem? /s
After six months of drinking raw milk they’se gonna be about 50% fewer
patientsslaves for them to “rehabilitate.”They will even provide a free education in agricultural harvest. What lucky souls!
I believe they’d have to reschedule cannabis federally to tax it.
It is, it’s also unlikely.
Sounds like communism to me /s
At least he said “if they want to” for psychiatric drugs
Oh well in that case I’m sure it will be fine /s
That’s a pretty good concept actually. I doubt it’ll be good in practice done by a guy who doesn’t know what a vaccine does
Maybe get concerned when government officials start talking about putting people on farms?
I am concerned. I like the idea of voluntary isolation to reduce access to their addiction while promoting the ability to function again in society.
I know damn well that wouldn’t be how it’s used in practice, so I’m concerned with it.
Antidepressants are what give people the ability to function.
That’s what you are calling a pretty good concept.
I’m commenting towards the rest.
Considering this was all you said, maybe you should have made it clear you weren’t referring to people on prescribed psychiatric medication:
Since, you know, it sure sounds like you think putting people on farms for doing something about their depression is a good concept.
I missed the depression drugs part on my first read through.
It’s literally in the headline.
It sounds like slavery to me.
Obviously with this man is in charge it would be. However, the stated idea is not
They’re not just going to announce work camps for slaves are they.
Even if we’re talking about illicit drugs, sending users to work camps is not a cure, it’s just taking advantage of them.
…I think you’re not reading what I said…
Not sure if you’re trying to be sarcastic but I’m having a hard time understanding your comments sorry.
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No it’s not. Have you been smoking crack?
Rehabilitation camp funded by Cannabis taxes is a fine idea.