You are clearly no longer an ally. You are a beligerant state with out working rule of law.
You are clearly no longer an ally. You are a beligerant state with out working rule of law.
When you find out how the world works, you are going to be quite embarrassed by this comment.
We hold no sway outside of force.
Hmmmmmmm, what could the non-americans imply that we can not write out without risking a ban?
Talk of state colours? In an international trade war? Until there is an active civil war the rest of the world does not care about your internal tribalism.
I find it rather funny to mock people who use buzzwords to pretend to be smart.
Oh the irony.
You can not even keep the person you are replying to straight. You got called out for a bad take and now like some sort of american are having a tantrum until someone tells you how smart and right you where/are.
Best of luck!
Ok, you have to be trolling at this point. But in case you somehow are not:
Show your love by doing something. The rest of the world does not care about what americans are or are not interested in, only what they do from now on. The vast majority (doubt) holds no value at this point, we (the literal rest of the world) don’t care about your internal politics and tribal bullshit. We care about what your nation is doing.
Less “hopes and prayers” and more “civil disobedience and fire” please.
the only way these people will learn [is] if they are shamed
Oh projection…
Ok I can not believe you are not getting this. The people who said the first part are the cybertrunk owners. The comment about projection is both funny and ironic.
You know since the cybertruck owners don’t understand they are being shammed, and are saying the people throwing cheese at them (to shame them) will only learn if they are shamed.
But I mean that shame can be shared now, since anyone who has reading comprehension and who has read the above article would get the joke being made.
For now.
“almost” Cheese product…
No argument needed here.
Well why can’t we have both? Lets make boiling water sexy again.
Odd way to show it…
Oh like a nuclear reactor? Wish those where still a thing…
Well now we can wait for a discount.
We are not acting like all US citizens wanted this to happen, but we understand that this is happening and what you wanted at this point is not relevant. If you don’t want to be lumped into the rest of your belligerent nation, do something.
“Bread was a nickel a loaf, but nobody had a nickel.”
-old man when asked about the great depression
Yeah, the us is bad at thinking everyone is inside their crazy system. It does not matter to us if you state “don’t blame me I voted for Kodos”, at the end of the day you are all citizens of a belligerent nation. Your government is representing you all on the world stage, if you don’t like it do something about it.
They are discussing cheese slices, or singles as they are sometimes called. And I don’t think those are cheese, but a cheese product.