Is this supposed to be punching up or punching down?
Neither, idk. You feel like it’s made in poor taste?
It made me chuckle, don’t sweat it
Not necessarily, depending on the audience. Sometimes jokes land and sometimes they don’t, I wouldn’t stress about it too much
It’s not poor taste that’s the problem, it is ableist nonsense, but more importantly - dangerous.
Delete it.
(or don’t of course, but then you don’t get to pretend to give a shit about the people you’re punching down at)Wahhhhh
Wow, you sure showed me… 🙄
This is a meme on the internet Karen
Really? People find humor in hurting the most vulnerable?
You find it funny to taunt a alcoholic with beer or Suggest a knife to a person with suicidal thoughts too?
Real edgy
Dang you must be fun at parties.
Did you know 90% of human communication is rote? Meaning someone just regurgitates a phrase or idea they heard somewhere else in response to a stimulus.
You know, like a parrot. No actual thought, understanding, or meaning, just a learned response hoping for a reward.
Useful examples of this in animals convey warnings or other kinds of information.
Sometimes it’s just meaningless noise though.
Onion News Network -Is The Government Spying On Schizophrenics Enough?
Don’t say that. She’s already catching onto us as it is.
Mental illness?