ok, I see. It seems that MIT let you do whatever with the code, whereas GPL seems like the same thing, but with an * that any derivatives must be open-source as well. I’ll put the license on my repos then.
Hi, I’m sbird! I like to make all sorts of things!
ok, I see. It seems that MIT let you do whatever with the code, whereas GPL seems like the same thing, but with an * that any derivatives must be open-source as well. I’ll put the license on my repos then.
oh okay, what’s the best license? what’s the difference between CC, MIT, etc.
I’ll look at setting up python virtual environments later, they seem pretty important to at least learn how to use
yep, I’ve added MSRPs of the CPUs as well as the current amazon list pricing (not GPUs though since rn GPU pricing is wild, e.g. 4070 ti super listed for $1000 or something like that)
what if there’s loads of different elements where the colour could he changed such as texts, links, and different ohjects like the nav bar?
what do those do?
and maybe instead of the vague “cheaper” heading it should be something like <100 or <150
yeah I should probably include the MSRPs or maybe a link to something like camelcamelcamel. that’s a good idea, I’ll do that later
also that logical increments site seems very cool, will go check it out!
oh yep that makes sense
would that work with the jekyll theme?
oop okay maybe my next project should use a virtual python enviornment then
I’m not a spam bot, I’m just a dumb dumb for posting the same thing 17 times (won’t do it again hopefully!)
p.s. your point that facebook is “easy to get started with” isn’t very good, since that would apply to most popular social media. think Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. they all make it really easy to make an account because they want you suck you in. that’s the whole point of social media!
does this issue not apply to other programming languages? dependency hell exists outside of python too yk…
allso, I’m not using too many modules for this, most of it is “vanilla” python, if you will. I’ve only got a module that makes it easier to create coloured text and another one to generate ascii art. maybe the latter uses a few extra modules, but this project is relatively small and simple and it’s just a funny little game. I actually used to not use the ascii art generator module before and just used to text to ASCII art generators, but it was getting really annoying having to backslash all the backslashes
python is fun, the syntax is very easy and it makes it simple to just go make a cool project
is venv important/neccesary?
good to be here! honestly the third-party app thing swayed me, there’s so many good apps (ice cubes, mastoot, mlem, impressia, etc.)
besides weird central/eastern europe chaos, there’s also no islands that are highlighted at all in north america, not even the big ones like cuba or haiti/dominican republic. I will probably add those at some point, but that’ll be later.
ok I fixed it, it should just be “art” (a library to make ascii art) and “colorama” (easier coloured text)
for me: