As a leftist who owns firearms, I’m waiting for everything to kick off (in Minecraft obviously)
As a leftist who owns firearms, I’m waiting for everything to kick off (in Minecraft obviously)
Shit is going to get weird. Talk to your neighbors, see if you can find community support groups, that sort of thing will carry you through a lot more than just about anything else.
Also if you have the spare time and income, take a stop the bleed style class.
Then he could, just grabbing an example out of the air, pay a painter to paint a portrait of himself, get that painting evaluated and valued for several million dollars, and then donate it to the charity and write off the value. Not that anyone would do that mind you.
Also as far as I’m aware it wasn’t a fully 3d printed gun, rather a 3d printed lower for a Glock. The lower doesn’t have to handle anywhere near the levels of pressure that the upper does, so is unlikely to break when firing.
If half of a percent of the people who voted for trump are the same kind of violent crazy as the ones who stormed the capitol that’s hundreds of thousands of them across the US. I feel like that’s a pretty significant number one way or another.
My guy, I got yelled at at a stop light for having a “pedophile flag” (a pride flag) on my car. Those people do actually exist.
Fair point, auto correct forced my hand
LinkedIn is one of the least sane social media sites I’ve ever had the displeasure of using. Under all the marketing BS and obviously fake feel good stories lie takes that would make your insane Facebook uncle blush.
In effect they want states to be able to do what they want, as long as it aligns with Republican ideals. All you need to do is look at their rhetoric towards sanctuary cities for the “states rights” argument to fall apart.
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
-Frank Wilhoit
Holy shit is LinkedIn a terrifying source for osint. Even without sales navigator it’s a gold mine, and with it you can find just about anything about anyone on there.
We mostly just abide.
In all seriousness, I got it while I was stationed down in Georgia in the army. Your options to get married were to go in front of a judge (good luck with that), or pay a “minister” anywhere from 100-250 or whatever to ask you whether or not you knew each other, if you were in love, and whether or not you were getting married just for tax purposes.
I thought that was bullshit, so I registered with the church of the latter day dude and married people for the cost of a lunch or a six pack of decent beer.
I’m a registered minister in the church of the latter day dude based out of Oregon and am happy to marry lgbtq folks.
That is a remarkably shitty argument. “Sure, I know the system is wrong and only hurts people, but it’s the system! You can’t just go and reform systems so they stop hurting people! Think of the investment bankers!”
We can and should change things, and part of that is helping the people who have been hurt by the system.
In what other situation would we be okay with allowing an 18 year old with no income to take out tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt? The system is purpose built to fuck over the better part of two generations of people.
Ah yes, that’s why they did it. I’m sure that’s exactly why they voted for the, as stated previously, narcissistic etcetera etcetera. Get the fuck out of here.
Yup, just 71 million or so goddam people voted for a narcissistic grifter felony with daddy issues. Fuck.
What a terrible day to be literate.
Hear me out, arm them with muskets. A gun line of Pre-K red coats would deter most potential shooters, but individually the muskets are unwieldy and hard to reload, and thus less dangerous overall to the other students.
Decomposing to feed local biodiversity is about the only good they’ll ever do.