This is Russia targeting the core alliances of the US.
Gentle nerd freak of the pacific northwest. All nation states are vermin.
This is Russia targeting the core alliances of the US.
It’s genuinely hard to recognize when a rule that almost always applies doesn’t apply to the specific situation at hand.
Killing bloodthirsty rich people who are beyond the reach of the law and can’t be stopped any other way is a valid exception to the otherwise valid rule that murder is bad.
All the photos of full-time lumberjacks I’ve seen are from the US and they’re all skinny and wiry. Lumberjacking required an absurd amount of calories/day and no major lumber concern gave their workers enough food to cover that.
Sorry I engineered a system that extracts wealth from the poorest and filters it to the wealthiest in a self-reinforcing cycle to emiserate everyone outside my peer group.
Oops-i-doodle! My bad.
I really wish we could popularize the term shit-in, but it’s just too beautiful for this world.
Russia is wasting no time here. They’re already starting to pull apart the US military while the tariffs plan strikes at the core of the US’s most important alliances. And their regime hasn’t even taken power yet.
It was always so satisfying to get it off in one single strip
Both English and Chinese speaking people have both English and Chinese tattoos. It’s fine.
From my experience far more Chinese people were against tattoos of any kind, rather than caring about what the tattoo is.
I’m trying but tbh it’s not working out great for me.
While there are millions of patients across the country who would have loved to pull the trigger, successful assassinations are usually rich people defending their interests from other rich people.
Grifters trying to stymie competing grifts is the ideal use of our throughly corrupt court system. Just the perfect venue for that. It’s like an inception of lies and money.
I get the urge to protect cocaine from journalists but machine guns during a photo shoot is unnecessary. Calm down AFP, you’re not ISIS.
Given the level of expertise in the trump regime, this can only possibly end with mexico reclaiming texas. I hope they rename it Alamonia. To remember.
I am the friendly staff, and I often think how much I could enjoy life on the other side.
That said, the food is vile. That’s really the deal breaker for me. The first meal I made, the gravy made me wretch more than the toilet shared by 3 incontent schizophrenic men.
If you know anyone who works in russia focused intelligence who’s still alive, best say your goodbyes now.
I always presumed Yoda’s native language was an Object Subject Verb (OSV) language, or used OSV for emphasis. It’s common for 2nd language speakers to occasionally slip into native language grammar - such as Chinese speakers omitting the/a.
Yoda can correctly use SVO in English (Galactic Common iirc?), just not all the time. Again suggesting a proficient non-native speaker. For example: ”Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
Yaddle doesn’t speak like Yoda, indicating either better fluency or an SVO native language - not all the species need speak the same native language.
Didn’t read the article huh?
A ballot with only a presidential vote and nothing else
His one flaw is he forgot to be white.
The level of vitriol against pelosi is in no small part because of republican efforts to demonise her. Yes, she’s a corrupt plutocrat. But why do people hate her specifically, versus every other corrupt plutocrat that makes up the leadership of the democratic party?
She forced out biden and was one of the few dems who actually wanted to fight this election. But she was also a driving force behind the kamala campaigns failed right turn which destroyed her own good work.
She’s a more complicated corrupt plutocrat than people give her credit for, is I guess my point.