I can’t be the only one who can’t parse this sentence.
I’m sorry, can you rephrase this? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
The title does indeed not make much sense, but I imagine OP is trying to ask: “What grown up music did you listen to that you, and not a grown up, put on.”
Answering that question, the first artists I remember looking up and having on my phone/mp3 Player were 30 seconds to Mars, Foo Fighters, and Linking Park. The latter because it was all the rage when I first got into music, not because the songs were especially good.
Thank you, that makes sense. I wasn’t sure if the sleep deprivation was just making me (more of) an idiot.
NP, OP might as well have been asking what songs turned you on as a kid. I just think the other explanation makes more sense. :p
Can you please edit the post and clarify what you mean by “turn on”? I’m not smart enough. Thank you.
Turn on meaning cause the music to play. OP means what non-kids music did you listen to when you were first in control of what music to play.
Linkin Park’s Hybrid Theory
oh man probably me too. either that or Evanescence.
i was a angsty lil’ dickhead omg
My first album was They Might Be Giants - Flood.
What can I say, I still have great taste.
Also nice to know my first band has had good politics since their first show was at a Sandanista rally.
I gotta admit though, I first heard them on Tiny Toon Adventures.
Queen. One of their best of albums. And Michael Jackson. Dangerous and History album (which had a best of disc too).
Also Queen here. Staying up late sitting on the floor next to the cassette player with the headphones on listening to News of the World.
In the mid 1970s, we could borrow cassettes from the library. I started with Neil Diamond “His 12 Greatest Hits”, then moved on to Electric Light Orchestra, Roxy Music, and Mike Oldfield.
I assume you’re asking what was the first non kids music I listened to and picked out myself? Instead of listening to the Lion King sound track, my first CD was Boston’s greatest hits.
AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long
Kiss - God of Thunder (Destroyer was the first album I owned)
I’m not sure of the first song, but the first music I ever bought myself was II by Boyz II Men.
Rush - Tom Sawyer
Eminem curtain call. My grandma brought it for me having no idea what it was. I was listening to it for a few days before my mum was like wtf is that and then listened to the first song on the album which was fack. I was 9 or 10 and she confiscated it and I had to steal it back and rip it to the computer and create copies incase she got those.
I remember making back up’s of songs I liked that had swearing in them when i was like 8 in case my mom found them. I think I had like 5 or 6 copies of Damnit by Blink 182 hidden in my folder on the family computer, which had an 8gb hard drive.
The Macarena. I still have a cassette tape that is front to back The Macarena on repeat.
The first CD I ever owned was O zone - Dragon Sta Din Tei aka the Numa Numa song. No idea why or where I got it from but I would listen to that on my little cd player
It might have been Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin
My parents were young so I never had kid music. I listened to their stuff. The earliest I can recall I had 45s and albums in my room: Three Dog Night, Eagles- Hotel California, Paul Simon - 50 ways to leave your lover on 45, the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever. I had several Beach Boys albums, and The Bay City Rollers album whichever one had Saturday Night on it. Oh, and KISS Double Platinum.
My parents music made me into a closeted Jimmy Buffet fan.