• AA5B@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Your vote is not just counted, but even meaningful. Shenaningans in Texas try to affect the outcome by playing with things to control the odds and making it more difficult for “the wrong people” to vote. It’s really an entirely different scale.

    Texas Conservatives are manipulating the vote with “legal” actions and can only affect percentages. A likely result is very different than a predetermined result. A “legal” manipulation is subject to at least some checks and balances and can be changed, which is very different from something that can just be dictated by those in power

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Texas Conservatives are manipulating the vote with “legal” actions and can only affect percentages.

      It goes beyond that.

      PoC districts often get voting machines that don’t work. Urban districts will have large pools of ballots that go uncounted because of deliberate delays in the vote count (similar to what Republicans managed in 2000 with the Brooks Brothers Riot). Judges remove candidates from the ballot for arbitrary reasons (Tom DeLay would routinely run uncontested because his opponents’ petitions to fill would get “lost” or “misfiled’” by the country clerk).

      This is only legal in so far as local allied politicians allow it to be.