Don’t send us your garbage.
-The rest of the Planet.
Unfortunately, many countries are slipping into Trumps brand of right-wing populism.
Canada for instance. A lot of the plays made by republicans are being copied by conservatives here.
Yup, if I have to hear my uncle tell me another nutjob conspiracy theory about how Trudeau is promoting LGBTQ politics to mask the vaccinations making us gay, I’m going to lose it.
Yup, Justin isn’t my favorite guy either, but if he is so terrible they wouldn’t have to make shit up to cry about. It just makes them look desperate.
Yup, when America sneezes, the world gets a cold.
Maybe America should wear a damn mask!
If you caught it before me anyway is it my fault or yours?
They aren’t slipping that way … they are being marketed and advertised in that direction. It takes money and funding to convince people to think a certain way … look at all advertising, Coca-Cola, Doritos, Gucci, Ferrari, Ford, Google, Facebook, Amazon … most people easily identify these things because of years of advertising.
Conservative parties and politicians are pretty land individuals and hardly have that much charisma, especially here in Canada … but when you plaster their face and their voice non stop in video, paper, commercials, TV, internet, radio everywhere all the time … it has an effect on people. Look at all the idiots everywhere that have the ‘Fuck Trudeau’ sign everywhere in shirts, cars, trucks, houses, stickers
It all requires funding and money to maintain all that promotion.
So the majority of people aren’t thinking this way … they are being marketed to think that the majority of people are thinking this way.
The longer the marketing happens … the more people believe it.
You’re right, thanks.
I’ll give up if you send him to me.
-the Preserverance rover on Mars
Hes bonkers-senile enough that he could think to the moon is getting richest of all, send him up with an igloo’s full of oxegen and mcwhatevers and let short planning bankrupt his assets moonside. Moon Prison 2024. I do feel sorry though for future generations having to deal with that space detritus…
Who could’ve known he’d end up doing the exact opposite of what he said by desperately trying to cling to power, even going so far as to try to coup the government
Do he’s admitting that he’s a flight risk
He will flee the country.
How are you going to leave when you’re in jail?
Ummm… If Biden wins, Trump leaving the country is his way of not going to jail for his crimes.
Biden did win, the tweet isn’t exactly recent.
But still very current
According to trump he didn’t so he doesn’t have to leave
Meh, I doubt there’s a need to burn the guy at the stake anyway. America is strange huh?
Yet another reason to vote for Biden.