The old folks need to go away. If your schools were segregated you shouldn’t be in office.
You’re about to discriminate Gen Alpha and Beta
America will die clinging to the idea that one of these parties will eventually save them.
many already have
The only chance we have is the total elimination of private money involvement in politics, and at this point I’m not sure if we’re so far gone that even that’ll undo the cancer rotting our system.
Ok, so when will they take a step back as examine their tactics since they are obviously not working
They have, and the results of their soul searching are as clear as the last time they lost to trump: nothing.
If anything, they’re more likely to double down and compete with the republicans on the corporate dick sucking, making it even more apparent to the working class that, with how bad the republicans are, they’re just not an alternative…
Instead of splitting into a multi-party democracy, the US is just devolving into a single party state
The ones who will have - the ones who haven’t never will (i.e. Schumer)
I read the same story on CNN this morning.
Apparently the Democrats have a favourability rating of 29% (“a record low in CNN’s polling dating back to 1992 and a drop of 20 points since January 2021”) while the Republicans have a favourability rating of 36%.
That GOP number is right around Trump’s floor, interestingly enough. The GOP is a cult and Dems are angry at their politicians, so this doesn’t surprise me.
I think 36% is the near constant number Trump has ever gotten, that’s the percent of Americans who are devoted to their idol. I think the lowest polling ever was Dubya pre-9/11, and the highest ever was Dubya post-9/11.
It’s just crazy how this happens.
America voted for Trump, because America is a racist country.
It’s not the Dem’s fault, it’s the fault of the racists.
Lot’s of rich right-wing shits right now funding these propaganda news articles, to muddy the waters about how everyone hates Trump.
It may not be their fault but we can still be angry at them for doing nothing back. They’re not supposed to only work when times are good
America voted for Trump, because America is a racist country.
It’s not the Dem’s fault, it’s the fault of the racists.
Lot’s of rich right-wing shits right now funding these propaganda news articles, to muddy the waters about how everyone hates Trump.