Debian Testing is a great way to try out Debian and provide feedback to the project. But it's not a rolling release Linux distro. Although some successfully use it like one. In today's video, I'll ...
Yeah given Debian’s policy of “if that version doesn’t have liver spots yet, it’s not going in our distro”, their testing has been more stable than other distros’ stable in my experience
Liver spots are a skin condition that fairly old people sometimes get. They’re like big, dark freckles. Usually pretty harmless. The above poster is referring to Debian not accepting packages unless they’re quite old.
Yeah given Debian’s policy of “if that version doesn’t have liver spots yet, it’s not going in our distro”, their testing has been more stable than other distros’ stable in my experience
“liver spots”? ESL here so there’s idioms I don’t grok.
Liver spots are a skin condition that fairly old people sometimes get. They’re like big, dark freckles. Usually pretty harmless. The above poster is referring to Debian not accepting packages unless they’re quite old.
Added to my dictionary!
“Liver spots” are the dark spots that light skinned people develop on their skin as they get old.
Liver spots got me wheezing. 😂