shinzo abe is rolling over in his hell
Moonies got absolutely shit on after that. By most reasonable metrics folks would agree the assassin in that case (Tetsuya Yamagami) absolutely accomplished his goal.
For the worse, I’d say JFK and RFK.
JFK was leading the world towards nuclear annihilation
Fucking Bullllllllllshit. The letters between Khrushchev and JFK suggest otherwise.
Edit: Save your eyes; they never justify their bullshit.
Hahaha nice edit. There’s not a lot of substance but you’re very entertaining so it’s a fun read
Have you heard of one Cuban missile crisis?
You know last I checked the Cuban Missile Crisis never led to nuclear annihilation?
You do realize the CMC deescalated in lieu of these letters, riiighhtttt…?
Sounds like he didn’t creep us toward anything but rather navigated us away.
Could a dipshit like Donnie have done the same? Big doubt.
Nowhere in my comments have I mentioned Donald trump.
Go ahead and ask me if I at any point cared whether you did or not.
But I did.
I don’t know what you’re talking about but you seem pretty hostile and incoherent so have a nice day
Protest is the way to send a message without violence. When that message goes unheard, the masses tend to shift how they communicate
We got four boxes of liberty to try to get things changed:
- Soap
- Ballot
- Jury
- Ammo
Where we at now?
I think we’re trying a little bit of the first 3 all over the country right now. I think we need to coordinate moving to box 4 soon
They literally built concentration camps already.
How come I know who John Wilkes Boothe is? How come I know who Sirhan Sirhan is? Did you know a political assassination led to US National parks?
Violence begets change. Violence is the fastest way to create change but it is not the only way.
Until it becomes the only way due to all other methods failing.
Baberaham Lincoln’s death probably doomed reconstruction
Abraham Lincoln was a good old man
He hopped out the window with his d**k in his hand
Said 'excuse me lady, I’m doing my duty
So pull down your pants and give me some boody’
Ferdinand was just an excuse, the Germans had been planning and getting ready to invade France for at least a decade, meanwhile the French were also making their own plans and chomping at the bit to recover territory lost in 1870. The Assassination was essentially just an excuse to kick things off.
ok but two world wars and two genocides isn’t really a good change
Because the band made a number of good songs?
But yeah, sometimes one violence incident can change everything, but usually it’s just the drop that made the bucket overflow
On the more proletarian end of things, we know who MLK jr, Malcolm X, George Floyd and Trayvon Martin are.
The changes brought about were dramatic, even if not enough.
Jesus Christ!
Wild to see Erin pop up here.
Obligatory fuck the Indiana democratic party. Absolutely worthless.
Jesus Christ, are we still denying this?
Wait wasn’t that how Christianity got started?
Not really, but they’d like you to believe that anyway.
Among a few other things.
It’s not because Rome needed to control public protests after they executed a gay man?
I’m interested in hearing more about this version.
Hundreds of years later, yeah.
I’m thinking of something a little more fast-acting.
“It’s not the fall that kills you, it’s the sudden stop.” applied to serious topics.
A single shove never did anything. It was a combination of this boulder being perched on this ledge, and you standing 3 stories below it.
Ferdinand was the straw that broke the camels back. tensions had been building for a while. if it wasn’t that it would have been something else. A lot of the consensus at the time was that war was inevitable
Very good one volume look at Europe/America in the run up to WW1. There had been a lot of changes in a short period of time and a lot of intelligent people thought that a little bloodshed might help things get back to normal.
Up until then, war has been kind of a game. Gentlemen gathering the peasants to poke each other with sharp and/or pointy sticks until the food ran out. Then they’d swap some land, maybe a political marriage or two, then go home to tell stories of how courageous they were.
They weren’t ready for the horrors that technology would bring them.
…And in WW2 no one was ready for what airplanes could do, and in Vietnam the Americans couldn’t wrap their minds around what a dedicated guerilla army could accomplish.
During the Napoleonic era the highest ranks would meet for a handshake and discussion before fighting (unless you’re a traitor then you kill people in their sleep during the Christmas truce)
Now a lot of that was because communication was difficult