Welcome to this week’s casual kōrero thread!
This post will be pinned in this community so you can always find it, and will stay for about a week until replaced by the next one.
It’s for talking about anything that might not justify a full post. For example:
- Something interesting that happened to you
- Something humourous that happened to you
- Something frustrating that happened to you
- A quick question
- A request for recommendations
- Pictures of your pet
- A picture of a cloud that kind of looks like an elephant
- Anything else, there are no rules (except the rule)
So how’s it going?
So there I was, in The Warehouse, and there was a big rack of Oreo flavoured coke with a deep discount, down to 50c a can.
I looked at it and thought “that sounds terrible!”. And since they had to sell it for 50c when the original price was $1.50/can this discount to get rid of it backed up my assumption that it would be terrible.
With evidence to back up my hypothesis, I had to devise an experiment to confirm it.
So I bought one, and it was terrible. I’m not even sure how it was supposed to taste like Oreos. It reminded me of something but I’m not sure what.
Anyway, the end. That’s the whole story, sorry i didn’t have anything more exciting to say 😅
I tried some at a party, to me it tastes like someone dropped a whole oreo sleeve into a coke and then filtered the oreo chunks out: so basically coke + the soluble parts of an oreo, which is mostly sugar.
I honestly didn’t get Oreo vibes from it (I was drinking it room temp, not sure if that matters). But as someone else pointed out, it’s reminiscent of vanilla coke that I don’t like, so probably not a good tester.
Maybe there’s some ingredient that only some people can taste thats in vanilla and oreo coke that’s overwhelming any other flavours.
I think it’s in my head. I was introduced to spiced rum recently. Drinking a couple with coke, yum yum, then my wife mentioned “it’s a bit like vanilla coke”. Suddenly I realise she’s right, and now I don’t like it anymore 😅. All in my head.
I kind of like Oreo coke. Kind of like a coke vanilla but a bit sweeter?
Oh shit is that it? I never liked vanilla coke, maybe that’s what I didn’t like about it.