That was 100% it’s downfall. I don’t know what executive said “But it Haaaass to run on them” - I guarantee every engineer there knew it would be a disaster on the older gen. I know they said at the beginning that it would, but they should have just sucked it up and said “Look, folks, we’re sorry, it just can’t run and you won’t have a good time, so it’s next gen only. We’ll see you in Night City when you can”
That was 100% it’s downfall. I don’t know what executive said “But it Haaaass to run on them” - I guarantee every engineer there knew it would be a disaster on the older gen. I know they said at the beginning that it would, but they should have just sucked it up and said “Look, folks, we’re sorry, it just can’t run and you won’t have a good time, so it’s next gen only. We’ll see you in Night City when you can”
I bet many of the engineers did and then their management told them that they have to do it anyway.
It would have saved an absolute mountain of bad press. And upset customers.
Good thing they avoided that.