That’s just the thing though — the president comes with whatever tax breaks you like!
No no, you see: the tax breaks are incentive for the rich to stop dodging their taxes. Along with China, Mexico, and Canada paying a 35% tariff to America for its exports, the EcOnOmY will flourish and increase the wages of hardworking American citizens.
I wish I were joking, but a lot of Trump voters actually believe that shit.
It’s seriously the dumbest thing in the world…
Like ok maga dude, you don’t think a burger flipper deserves any more money than they currently make because they don’t do anything “extra” or “difficult.” What in the absolute fuck makes you think that a corporation that makes more profit will suddenly pay you more when you’re not doing anything “extra” or more difficult than you were previously?
A company that keeps more profit than they did previously just keeps more profit than they did previously. They don’t suddenly decide to increase unnecessary expenditures.
They have been on a tax holiday since for fucking ever. Welcome to 1984.
The Atlantic has a decent article on how oligarchy is far more upfront about its ownership of government than the days of Koch and Murdoch.
Musk needs FSD without rules other than “trust me bro”, plenty of SpaceX contracts, regulations against Starlink competitors, destruction of big 3 automakers, social media competitors, AI, auto and solar factory subsidies throughout world and US.
But sure, why not, get some tax cuts too.
Michael Jackson is alive? And bought trump?
Kind of looks like a terminator to me. Sent from the future to terminate the economy.
Trumps face looks like the faces of the space marines I painted as a kid. He’s just missing the eyes.
This is not a flattering image of Trump…
That’s the point. Make Trump feel like he’s second fiddle and he might just ditch Elon. Setting off a war of the elites.
Elon knows he can buy the right people to take control. Pass it on.
I believe this is what the rich call an “investment”.
Apparently they expect to get even more money when they do that.