
Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation and architect of Trump’s Project 2025, employs intense fire-related rhetoric in his upcoming book, Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America, advocating for a “controlled burn” of institutions he deems corrupt or antithetical to conservative goals.

Roberts calls for dismantling entities like the FBI, Ivy League schools, and the New York Times, framing it as necessary to “renew” America.

His incendiary language has sparked controversy, with critics alarmed by the violent imagery and its implications for Trump’s second term.

    4 months ago

    Schools have always taught about WWII so it’s not our education system.

    It’s definitely not not our education system

      4 months ago

      You can’t really point at today’s education system and use it to blame Americans.

      People who voted for Trump:
      65+: 51%
      45-64: 52%
      30-44: 47%
      18-29: 46%

      Our public education system has been abysmal compared to other “first world countries” and we should all be embarrassed.

      This has been part of the GOP agenda for decades though. The public schools keep getting worse and subtly foster anti-intellectualism in favor or memorization while the private and higher education schools flourish. The GOP wants to abolish the department of education and replace it with either state run education and/or private corporate owned education.

      “Education” is not in the constitution so with a conservative Supreme Court, it’s very likely we will see the DoE go away. Bear in mind that the DoE was only just created under Carter and Reagan campaigned on getting rid of it.

      And, as teachers start getting wind of this and realizing what the future may hold for them, they’re going jump ship. Any hope we have of progressing as a country and competing with other countries is gone. This nation will be run by a handful of corporations paying crap wages to non-union workers without the benefit of social security or pensions.

      The writing has been on the wall for a hundred years. We’ve laughed at it, maybe pondered it, but never took it seriously. All the dystopian novels that have been written are about to come true.