Easy, I just need a wire, toothpaste, bubblegum, and and a watch crystal. Problem solved!
Where I post interesting things for family, friends, and myself. Note: I post items I don’t necessarily agree with.
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Easy, I just need a wire, toothpaste, bubblegum, and and a watch crystal. Problem solved!
Sounds interesting. I started an Ubuntu server about a year ago, didn’t get very far. Really only using FreshRSS right now. Would really like to move it to my NixOS flake and learn/add services as I go along.
True, it’s shockingly simple sometimes, and other times I feel like I need to be a rocket scientist. Emphasis on “feel” because in those instances, there is nothing to go by for documentation.
I am hoping that shortly after mine can read & write, and I add a machine with NixOS for them to use, they will exceed my understanding of nix and start to teach me. 🤔
That rug really tied the room together.
Same issue here. Deleted the F-Droid version. Easy way is to add it via Obtanium and let that manage your updates for you. Added my freshrss account via [email protected]’s comment above .
True. Plus, while dumb, 53% will always beat the interest extracted by two goons and a baseball bat. There’s always a trade-off!