“Why do you want to work here?”
Uh, I don’t, but this stupid thing called not dying requires me to have money and you’re offering to pay me money for doing a job you need doing.
“Why do you want to work here?”
Uh, I don’t, but this stupid thing called not dying requires me to have money and you’re offering to pay me money for doing a job you need doing.
By and large the only businesses who say, “Nobody wants to work anymore,” are places that don’t pay enough.
Yep, pretty much. Funny, you don’t hear about this being a problem for jobs paying $100,000+. Weird, that.
Seriously. Enough with the septuagenarians and octogenarians in the government. If you’re going to drop dead from old age at any moment, you shouldn’t be in any government position, especially not a national/federal one, IMO.
Well, gee, I wonder why. Could it be that it’s been a shitstorm of fuckery their entire lives? Nah, that can’t be it…
I’m in the middle age bracket there and completely agree with them as do most of my similar aged peers.
In theory, a few of them should be impeached, tried, convicted, disbarred, removed, & jailed, since lying to Congress under oath is a federal offense I’m pretty sure.