The salad is hanging out of the middle guy’s pocket.
The salad is hanging out of the middle guy’s pocket.
deleted by creator
Looks like Doom Guy (Flynn?):,504x498,small,transparent-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u4.jpg
Has anyone ever been as far even as decided want to do look more like?
(I’m ashamed to say that’s from memory… and completely incorrect at that.)
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree… Done
E: Unable to locate package conset
If you have access to an external drive as big or bigger than the laptop drive, boot SystemRescueCD and ddrescue it as a backup, just to be safe. I personally haven’t had it actually wipe a drive, basically it’s saying switching might render it unbootable if the right drivers aren’t in place.
I always back up first just to be safe though, worst case I waste a little time.
The key is stored in the BIOS (UEFI flash chip) - you can install 10 or 11 from the downloaded installers MS offers; as long as the Home or Pro is correct it’ll activate just fine.
You can verify the key exists by running
hexdump -C /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/MSDM