“You were a racist site!”
The absolute lack of subtlety on this meme, my god. The point blank spelling out of the authors opinion, the complete absence of a joke, and that exclamation mark. My word.
“You were a racist site!”
The absolute lack of subtlety on this meme, my god. The point blank spelling out of the authors opinion, the complete absence of a joke, and that exclamation mark. My word.
I thought the theory that it affected childhood brains was based on the damage it cause to frontal lobe development? And the notion that it was up to age 21 was based on that erroneous “The frontal cortex is developed at 25 years old” study, that actually just stopped looking at patients older than 25?
Opposite monkey paw situation, as cows are no longer farmed due to the poison risk, global emissions are massively reduced. And the huge amounts of land dedicated to feeding cows is returned to forestry, further reducing emissions.
The poisonous cows solve climate change long before the vegans can.
Damn, $3.50USD gets you a flat white/cappuccino/latte here, I don’t know if you’d find pour over coffee. And people here are upset at THAT cost, with home espresso machines taking off accordingly. I’m surprised Americans drink so much coffee at that price.
Wait what’s the joke
$5USD for a coffee, is that normal? Is that inclusive of a tip? Here in Australia Id leave the register if they tried charging me more than $3USD, and we don’t have a tipping culture (thank god).
I’ll still show up late
Vegan diets are popular in third world countries because they’re considerably cheaper. Meat is cheap in western countries because it’s very often subsidized by governments. Meat consumption by wealth proves eating animals is a luxury.
Also veganism mantras always have “as far as is practicable”. I bought a Samsung phone because Fairphones don’t work here in Australia.
Oh I upvoted it because I’d never seen the bot before, and liked the idea (even though it didn’t work here). I have the mediafactcheck add-on which simply shows a websites bias in my Firefox toolbar, I think it’s a good idea to have media bias constantly in the public eye.
Oh dear I remember playing around with explosives as a kid, chlorine, break fluid, tin foil, that kinda thing. Then we started playing around with acetone and peroxide, trying to make a touch explosive. I count my blessings that we didn’t do it correctly, as I absolutely would have lost a hand. I don’t know how you can explain to some people the risks associated with this kinda stuff, the book we were using called the touch explosive “Mother of Satan”. If that didn’t dissuade us…
Oh this is my jam, I analyse sleep studies on one screen, watch stuff on the other.
Films (highly rated) that don’t require you to look: Rope, The Apartment, My Dinner With Andre, The Sunset Limited, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolfe, Locke, Buried
Long form YouTube content: Some More News, Climate Town, Pop Culture Detective, Jenny Nicholson, Münecat, Summoning Salt
Podcasts: Hamish And Andy (it’s the only podcast I’ve ever liked)
Jokes on you, the trash heap is now deliciously seasoned.
Why did you buy your pet some ashes?
Damn, 2026. I hope you CAN wait.
Please Litter Tsar, add tagging to your death penalty list.
Ah a few more classic meat eater points to rebut, I thought we had run out!
Your initial point is that “most people think eating meat is fine, so it’s fine”. I doubt that’s binding your morality, as if suddenly 50.1% of people were against eating meat, you wouldn’t then swap to veganism. You’re asserting that if the majority think something is morally permissible, then it should be. Which would make Hitler’s reign (who was very popular in Germany at the time) morally permissible. Also I’m not trying to legitimise slavers, and you know that, don’t strawman.
“People have been eating meat since before people were people”. That’s either an appeal to nature or an appeal to tradition. First, nature. Just because animals eat meat, doesn’t mean we should. Animals eat meat out of necessity, which makes it morally permissible. We do not need to do that. Furthermore, animals murder and rape, surely you don’t find this nature permissible? As for appealing to tradition, that argument could be used to justify any number of problematic issues. “Gas companies have been polluting since time immemorial!” “Men have been marrying 13 year Olds since the 40s!”, it’s a broken argument without validity.
You keep saying that I haven’t justified the assertion that it is wrong to cause harm to sentient beings for pleasure. Rather, it is your responsibility to assert that the harm IS justified. YOU’RE the one causing harm, YOU’RE the one who needs to justify it. Currently your justifications include “because we just do”, “because we always have” and “because it’s not wrong”. Those are extremely poor reasons to harm others.
A valid argument to kill and eat another sentient being could be “because it’s necessary for me to live”. That would be valid. “Because you haven’t convinced me not to” is not. You wouldn’t accept that excuse from a murderer.
When did we establish that it’s not about pain? I don’t want to cause animals pain. Vegetarianism DOES include death. Male chicks can’t produce eggs, so are ground up in a machine shortly after hatching. Male cows do not produce dairy, and must be killed as soon as financially possible. I say pain and death, because that’s what meat eating causes? Sorry I didn’t understand your paragraph on this one.
As for “respecting other cultures”, you wouldn’t accept that as reasoning for me to kill and eat people would you? If a culture/people require the killing and eating of animals for their own survival, it is permissible. But as for western culutures, it is not necessary, and thus is only done for pleasure. Which is not a valid reason for killing something (as we agreed upon in the dog stomping example).
Like I’ve said here, I’d love to not be vegan. I loved eating meat, I grew up on a farm in rural New Zealand. If you can come up with a good reason to kill and eat animals, I’d LOVE to hear it. But if the argument “you haven’t convinced me not to” doesn’t justify the murder of humans, why would it justify killing animals, who also feel pain, sadness, grief and fear?
Here I thought it was a Rick and Morty reference. Roy 2!!