They could be more cooperative for a couple of weeks while this story dies out, if people forget, they will increase the denies even more the recuperate the missed revenue.
Murder is not good, it never is. But if this guy really is involved in the suffering of milions, and the death of many through financial debt, all of this to enrich himself and his goon, well then I don’t justify murder, but I am sure as hell not going to cry any tear for him. Especially in a system where people like him don’t fave any consequence for ruining people’s life.
Here’s a moral dilemma for you: would you kill Hitler if you got traspodted in 1945 and were in a room with him and a gun in your hand? Of course they are not the same situation, but if you apply a digital idea of morality (murder = good/bad) you should let Hitler live and make him cotinue killing millions
Left a management position because of overstress and poor work culture. Before leaving, I recommended a guy for my replacement. Not the most skilled folk, a bit of weird guy, but was very passionate and good to motivate people.
Sometimes later, an ex colleague told me he was saying bad things about me, that I hired a girl just because she was pretty, and such evil things.
I got pissed so I started investigating, noone believes those things because they know me, but they still believe he is good and downplayed my concerns, even the girl confirmed nothing innapropriate ever happened with me (it was actually a joke I said in a completely non serious context that was used maliciously by somebody). My supervisor is “of the old kind”, so he just repeated I was a good guy, I didn’t need to worry and I should just go on, that I will encounter mean people all the time and that I should just “get a beer with him” and all will be good.
I even confronted the guy and he exploded in a fit of rage, saying that he heard those things from the girl, that I was a terribile manager, that people hated me and my organization was terrible.
I understood he was delusional, no one really belived him, so I left him to his delusions and went my merry way. To this day, months later, people still come to me for help with my supposed terrible organization that now crumbled with him.
Not-the-asshole man, you did the right thing altogether. Congrats on your humanity
Is this a public transmission? Or the video was leaked?
I am sure they also don’t want soldier to discover that if they surrender, they will be treated humanely, so all the regime lies will remain strong and uncontested
Not a single finger on the triggers, not bad
They should use Mercury. It’s metal, just like tinfoil hats, but liquid. Very effective
We really live in a weird timeline. Glad there’s a missile less not killing children
Pretty sure that quote refers to Prypiat. Chornobyl had around 14k people living at the moment of the evacuation, according to wikipedia
Baby siters sit a single child or siblings at their own home. Once you start bringing other children in your home nothing stops you taking in 20 and doing it so in dangerous conditions
Ok guys, seriosuly no offence, but are you all from the states? I don’t want to do the usual US bashing, but I’ve never seriously seen silica gel in any kind of food, and especially in oral medicines that are individually packaged in protective atmosphere. So I feel like like it’s a cultural difference
So maybe I’m getting sometging wrong here?
“DOJ policy prohibits prosecuting a sitting president” how is this not in conflict with a prosecuted candidate (for other crimes) being allowed to be president?
What kind of food are you eating that is packaged alongside silica gel?
As a European, I will try and boycott usa companies as much as possible (very difficult) especially megacompanies like amazom, apple, google and M$. USA is too preponderant in our life, better choose European alternatives
Strange New Worlds you mean?
Fairphone 3+ working really well for 4 yeats, but I feel it might be a little hit and miss, for example another person I know got more issues with fingerprint sensor and if it falls wrongly (like on the buttons, there might be issues you don’t have otherwise
I agree, historically they make sense, but times have evolved and I honestlt believe certain things should belong to the past, just like we abandoned 12 base monetary and measurement systems, except for a single place on earth that just ignores what everyone else does and goes their own way.
In a global world, we should unite things instead of dividing for ideological/political reasons. Still, my own is an ideological reason why the imperial system should disappear, but there are pratical issues it causes, espeically when used internationally in industrial and scientific fields, which is very common.
Technically it’s not, practically it is beacuse we all live on constant gravity. Except in planes and jets funnilly enough because sudden and great acceleration do make things inside the plane weigh more or less even if their mass is the same.