And you’ll have to wait 10 hours to vote on a workday because they’ve limited voting locations to one every million people - like they already do in Georgia.
And you’ll have to wait 10 hours to vote on a workday because they’ve limited voting locations to one every million people - like they already do in Georgia.
1 ) public ignorance is a widespread social force not a personal character fault that happens to individually affect the majority of the population.
2 ) This attitude of moral contempt is actively repellent to the people we need to reach out to, who do not subscribe to your premise. A lot of people don’t think they are fascists - they are wrong, but they’ll still look at you funny unless you can do a damn good job of making the argument. The Dems couldn’t, the media couldn’t, and nobody is watching it anyway. WE have to do it. Make better arguments and reach out to people instead of circlejerking and making our opponents arguments for them.
In his defence he has a worm in his brain.
They also let settlers get away with murdering palestinians in the west bank, which of course is a classic liberal democracy move.
Americans are misinformed because the media has been destroyed by financial incentives and the capital class.
Yougov US: Support for universal health care - 55.9 % vs 24.4% oppose
Can’t find much data on the corporatism stuff, but don’t think that’s true either
It’s very funny that eugenicists always look inbred and disgusting
I mean I have to agree that it’s disgusting and pathetic that almost every western mainstream political party is complicit and the rest are silent at best.
But, if you can stand me saying it, I think we actually have a chance to change the party. A Dem ticket like this is a once in lifetime event. If they lose I would be surprised if I ever see one this good again in my lifetime. If they get in, and if they get in with a strong majority, I can see it fundamentally changing the party. Every dem who blames the left for losing elections will turn to dust instantaneously ( don’t fact check me on this ).
I don’t really know what effect it’ll have because I’m just some guy. But I think this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I think it could fundamentally change the DNC. It could disempower the right of the party and bring leftist ideas into the political mainstream. It won’t be perfect, but it could be something. It could be huge.
Why not?
Kamala and Walz are more left-leaning than any dem ticket in ages. If the purpose of the Green party is to move the democrats left, then they should drop out to reward them for moving left.
My bad, it was Turkey, not Hungary.
The really funny thing here is that Elon’s Twitter has openly complied with censorship orders from Hungary already. The free speech stuff is fake. Twitter does overt political censorship on request.
It’s honestly a travesty what’s happened to Reddit. If I want to search for a forum topic or something where random people give their honest opinions, Reddit was about the only place left on the internet and now that’s gone too.
‘Criticise politicians’ is not a fair representation of the DSA withdrawing their endorsement for AOC.
Man could have been hit by a meteorite and they’d say the same thing.
The polls I see put it at about 50-50 ( from ).
Your summary is wrong. They put out an opinion piece arguing that the DNC underestimates the threat from the GOP. I agree, they’re running a pathetically weak campaign against someone who will probably end democracy and might have them all killed.
The person you’re talking to is unlikely to be pursuaded but there’s usually silent, invisible lurkers who can be.
I know I’ve changed my mind on things because of arguments I’ve read on the internet.
It is proven that people do double down on their views when confronted with opposing evidence, but IMO this is more about the psychology of trust and confrontation between individuals, rather than proof of the futility of argument as a concept. Hell, Vsauce made a video called ‘The Future of Reasoning’, where he makes the case that argument might have been selected for as an essential part of human psychology and necessary for our survivial.
The trick is to argue with the voices in your own head and simply project them on to other people’s comments.
I’d say that Russia is the biggest source of suffering caused by imperialism in the world right now ( just going by the death toll of the Ukraine war ) . Is saying that a ‘distraction’ from American imperialism?