Right, also be mindful with changing majors as it can mean there’s new requirements. Had to go take another foreign language two years after taking my original major’s amount. Was not the most fun trying to pick it back up
Right, also be mindful with changing majors as it can mean there’s new requirements. Had to go take another foreign language two years after taking my original major’s amount. Was not the most fun trying to pick it back up
Or if youre first gen/low income TRIO can be a great help
If a bartender asks for an ID and you’re under age, dont give them shit, just them doing their job. Along the same lines, RAs arent doing their shit for fun most of the time. Ignoring check-in rules are fine, ignoring week day quiet hours is not.
Living on campus can cost more but you are more likely to go to school events when its a quick walk versus driving. On the other hand, its easier to party a bit too hard when its always around you.
Walk through every hall at least once. Maybe you never take a class in that one, but you might miss out on seeing a nice mural or some flyer.
Getting involved in clubs can help make you friends, I was in college band and other than the hard work, it paid plus made a ton of friends along the way
L’iguana is right there, plain as day!
Sounds like you need to work harder to kill FPTP in your state which brings us one step closer to killing it federally. My state has one more vote to kill FPTP next November
Honestly dont know the lore enough to say one way or another
Third parties are not a bad thing
Educational initiative is what is ringing a bell for myself also!
Isnt Instagram’s DMs Instagram’s messaging platform? This is just a new shill, not a part of an old piece
It was such a fun little film!
Grace Ledbetter in the Journal of Philology (1993) stated Patroclus could simply be Achilles’ softer side. So at least one peer reviewed journal felt maybe they werent, ya know, lovers. I think thats hogwash, but hey
I wish you’d wake up, friend
War is bad. I am fine giving war crap to Ukraine, it feels like it won’t drag on for twenty years like our most recent excursions nor will we have american boots on the ground
Where I currently live five guys is consistently twenty bucks pricier than in n out and the product isnt as good. Previously I lived where five guys was very tasty and in n out didn’t exist
Not sure, but if pocket casts can export html or opml, then yes
Antennapod is my podcast program of choice, just a nice clean UI
I do not recall the vast wealth held by the legendary beasts