It feels just like yesterday when the number hardly ever crossed 1k. Now its special when its not above 1.5k.
Crazy how fast the people-grinder fired up.
It feels just like yesterday when the number hardly ever crossed 1k. Now its special when its not above 1.5k.
Crazy how fast the people-grinder fired up.
Isn’t that a good thing? Cause it makes russia at least somehow feel some consequences?
Idk how you did it but the way you casually but precisely summed up the populistic strategies is just beautiful.
Ok so many people (relatively) in Idaho are not just “red” but outright fascist/nazis/extremist?
Thx now I got it <3
Can you explain for a non-american what this means?
I believe to have read that Inuit is the plural and Inuk the singular.
I am not sure though if one is supposed to use singular or plural though in this context (like “a girl od the Inuit” or rather “a girl thats an Inuk”)
Sorry for being pedantic.
I totally see your point.
But with the switch from “when they go low,…” to “fuck it, we can hut below the belt even better”, I gotta admit I am quite interested to see how she will handle a formal debate: Hammer phrases like everyone before or hitting hard and agile.
Idk, somehow I feel we might see something refreshing this time.
And I’m all here for it :)
Cause the total training time is smaller when you dont have to transport thousands of soldiers over half the continent. At least the grand of infantry could be trained much faster close to where they already are.
The greens got to design some legislation
I have a Phone with a click-in latch and nothing wore our over the last 5 years
I have an old midi-tower standing around with everything inside but drives.
Is it stupid to just set up the drives as zfs inside the case and let my docker services run on the same machine (as long as there is enough RAM etc. of course)?
Or should I get another PC as application server?
You know I think it is SO important that every election has more than two parties/options on the ballot.
Because if you dont, one party can simply distinguish itself from te other by being more extreme. Where this leads you can currently see with the Republicans.
As soon as you have more than two, parties need to have their own agenda to distinguish themselves, and this “vote so tue other doesn’t win” thing that is currently going on for almost a decade fades away.
Sure populism will always be there but it has to compete with actual agendas.
My dude did you even read the article?
My dude did you even read the article?
Thanks ^^
Lets see how that turnout holds up on pointe…