If the Republicans actually admit they are wrong and got a majority not to certify the election what would happen?
If the Republicans actually admit they are wrong and got a majority not to certify the election what would happen?
Are they baffled that he kept his promise to put his supporters in charge so he could do whatever he wants or the Democrats were right?
The only thing that would surprise me is if trump hired someone that was descent and or qualifications for the job.
Was about to say ask the Russians what they need and give it to them.
Why would a foreign adversary want to stop Trump? This would be a dream come true for them.
My company said our benefit change at the start of the year and our yearly living increases would surprise us. I was happy when I saw my pay go up by more than 200. I later found out they weren’t deducting my benefits and my overall pay went down compared to last year. I guess I miss understood surprise.
I’m sure you are right because in their minds women should be pumping out kids and be in the kitchen and have no business doing anything else.
So either women are the stronger sex because they don’t transition when they vote for men or all men that had sex with women that voted are gay.
TIL Trump’s media is still in business. I’m surprised it lasted this long. I guess there’s stupid people in every field.
I’m glad someone is trying to protect democracies because it certainly won’t be the GOP and with them in charge of the house other people like in this story will have to become creative. I just hope people don’t forget come November and vote the GOP out of every office possible.
Well shit, I’m going to an early grave.
We had one snow storm in Connecticut last year and could skate on the ponds for only a couple of days. I’m surprised that our tick season wasn’t as bad as it was.
Except we US are worse than the UK. We just have choices fried ice cream, fried stick of butter, fried Twinkies.
You can get fresh fruit and veggies but we subsidize our beeft and corn.
Also don’t forget your high fructose corn syrup in almost all our sodas. We make sure you get diabetes quick so we can prop up our insulin execs and skimp on social security. Our medical expenses are through the roof but that’s from a different bucket.
If only there was a candidate that said this would happen. Where is the prince from Nigeria when you need some gullible people.