No need to call me idiot. This place really is an uncultured echo chamber…
No need to call me idiot. This place really is an uncultured echo chamber…
Putting Israel in quotes tells me everything I need to know about your background.
Do they also mention Ubuntu Pro without being asked about it?
Why were you shocked? Why this post? What is this about?
Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger, oh my god the color scheme, all the earthy tones. 😊
My initial question was whether the source can be trusted. You answered it, the news outlet can’t be trusted, they have a clear agenda. Thank you ;)
Falk said: “Is it an irresponsible overstatement to associate the treatment of Palestinians with this criminalized Nazi record of collective atrocity? I think not.” […] “He has taken part in a UN fact-finding mission which determined that suicide bombings were a valid method of ‘struggle’. He has disturbingly charged Israel with ‘genocidal tendencies,’ and accused it of trying to achieve security through ‘state terrorism’. Someone who has publicly and repeatedly stated such views cannot possibly be considered independent, impartial or objective.”
Wikipedia entry in Richard A. Falk
I never heard of this news outlet before, is it a trusted source?
Three military forces if you count in Hamas