Aww thanks! 🙏
Aww thanks! 🙏
Great job. Very in depth. Thanks OP
Sure we’ve had one pandemic, but what about second pandemic…
I don’t think he knows about second pandemic 😷
He wants to get rid of her and jr
Nice. I wonder if he took the call?
Kde. I’d love to be able to give some erudite examples of why.
Alas, the default is clean and works for me. It stays out of the way.
Yes Sgt Shultz…. I zaw nothink!!!
I use MacOS at home as I have to support the fam.
Work is windows despite my best efforts to move to Linux, any flavor…
My laptop has macOS and Ubuntu and fedora and win11 (I have a vm problem and I enjoy it)
I wish I could use Fedora full time. I’m really open to whatever gets the work done. I just prefer software were open.
Christ was gods perfect example BUT he needs trump to actually get stuff done.
Uh-huh. Sure.
Something something broken clock is right twice a day…
Well you see, god works through imperfections in the man to achieve his goals.
And imperfect vessel can accomplish the perfection of gods will.
Or something like that, depending on the rationalization being used that day.
Well son, because of thins like the Hayes Code, mom and I can’t share a bed. You know, …because the children…
It is a feature. Not a bug
Surly the face eating leopard won’t eat MY face…
That’s what I thought. Thank you. As soon as i saw it , yep AZ.
Why can’t you be normal!??!
Unintentionally yes.
Ouch. Mall Satan. Since so many malls have gone down, it isn’t much of a market anymore.