This seems to be a very unhealthy mindset and also full of bullshit.
This seems to be a very unhealthy mindset and also full of bullshit.
I have this fun strategy, I’ll save my charity money until there is a public call for action, then I dump a larger sum all at once.
For instance my work during covid set up a (money only) drive for a food bank that corporate would match. My bosses donated 200 a piece, until they noticed that I donated 1000, then they all found it in their hearts to donate 1000 too. Turned that 1000 bucks into about 8000.
I do have some reoccurring and misc donations.
People in those countries absolutelly aren’t going bankrupt due to being denied life-saving treatment and having to pay for it from their own pocket.
The meme has an “or” in it though. About 20% of Canadian bankruptcy is due to health and illness. Here in Canada the maximum disability is ~1500cad a month, which might pay your rent if you live in a really really cheap area. Part of the reason it’s bad like that is because it is so often compared to America, and often greatly exaggerated like in this meme.
It’s a long way from over, a lot more can happen.
Ok but gingerbread is cooked, cooked human flesh smells good ignoring where it came from, from what I hear.
But that is almost worse if you think about it.
do gingerbread men make miniture houses out of brick and mortar during the holidays?
Is nan an acronym for something on the asexual spectrum, a typo for man or are you saying grandma’s can’t get it on?
There’s a lot of cool science stuff on tik tok too.
we had bad luck Brian, now say hello to bad karma Brian.
Ironically street signage is generally one of the more regulated forms of advertising. Those guys that spin signs were originally there to get around those laws.
I like to use it when I’m reading, I’ll set it to move at my reading pace and then I don’t have to touch anything to read the article.
Eating carnavores is a pretty bad idea, they accumulate parasites, they taste terrible (too lean, too tough, and a lot of the nastiness of the meat they eat acumulates in their meat) and it makes no sense to farm them for meat as whatever you feed them probably tastes better and provides more meat for less effort.
Dogs are omnivores (and can be raised vegetarian), a much better choice.
The average person buys their stuff from companies and investors or businesses who get their supplies from said companies and investors. The people will not be able to buy things if those companies decide that they are more profitable sitting on pile of coins.
I don’t love touch screens on ovens either, but you just press the lock button and then you can clean to your hearts content.
Does worst mean:
Although I’m not American and don’t know your history that well.
Do you think that’s low or high?
Having a fast way of getting announcements to people is important. Everyone from the WHO to official government announcements to musicians with a new album to activists announce(d) things on Twitter. For that purpose the first and foremost thing is maximizing the reach of the announcement.
Now there are a myriad of better platforms for this (irc or a mastodon instance owned by the org) but quite frankly they will never have the same populations as bluesky or Twitter (in the short term) because they are a as you put it a “good” social media that isn’t just about infinite growth.
Be glad that the billionaire actively and openly trying to censor the world is losing out to the billionaore that will leave it alone and sell out again in decade or two. And on the side mastodon picks up the more traditional social media role among those in the know and maybe one day sustainable growth will make it the biggest fish and can take over from the replacement for the replacement of bluesky as the primary announcements channel.
I want youtube to fail. I want content creators to move on to other platforms.
archive of the original NYT article here for reference.
The subtle implication that all the vitriol is directed at front line workers instead of the executive team is infuriating and calculated.
A hollow apology, the problems with US healthcare is not a communication problem.
Those were the only two sentences that aren’t just empty platitudes in my opinion, at least within what I can read for free.