That’s what you get when you treat your IT like crap and only hire one person.
That’s what you get when you treat your IT like crap and only hire one person.
“Player 3 enters the match!”
Ah yes, punctuation, the difference between “let’s eat, grandma!” And “let’s eat grandma”
Go back further than that to Reagan and you’ll see even more.
Hope you don’t drive then. Or bike. Or hell, I think even walk (need to double check that last one). Flying is still by far the safest mode of transportation.
And to those who say “well I’m not in control of the vehicle”, you truly think you are on the road with so many others in such close proximity? At least air traffic is regulated.
Military as a group, no. But an individual is still allowed to participate in the election even if they’re in the military as that is their right. Regardless of that though, close to 90M people didn’t vote that should have.
Well given that 36% of US voters didn’t vote (close to 4-in-10) it’s not hard to make that assumption.
Please be kind, rewind.
I mean life has a 100% mortality rate, it’s just a matter of when.
Billionaire wants Democrats to let the ratchet move things farther to the right.
And you know, just plain not holding on to it
Didn’t the nazi’s start with their neighbors too?
We recently got moved under someone who leads call center operations and they’re wanting to apply similar metrics to the devs to “ensure they’re being productive the entire time”. I told them that there’s lots of work they do outside the normal 9-5 and that you can’t just measure what someone does by lines of code created else you’ll end up with a 30 line if statement instead of a for each letter loop, but they don’t seem to care. If things get implemented I’m just waiting for the shit show it’ll cause.
Why would he want the FBI investigating though? He doesn’t trust them.
They’re Taiwanese, sell worldwide and have been around for 40 years, so I don’t know why you’ve never heard of them.
QNAP locking people out, while D-Link is letting anybody in.
“I don’t care what universe you’re from, that’s gotta hurt."
What the ever loving edge lord fuck are you on about?