2 years agoSubsequent encounter means you’re seeing the doctor again for the same problem. So if you got sucked into a jet engine and lived somehow you’d probably be seeing the doctor a bunch of times, and the second doctor visit and all later visits would be encoded as “subsequent encounter”
I love weird icd 10 codes, my favorite is V91.07, burn due to water-skis on fire. Like has that ever actually happened? If so please post link, I must know.
Lucille: How’s my son? Doctor: He’s going to be all right. Lindsay Funke: Finally some good news from this guy. Doctor: That’s a great attitude. I got to tell you, if I was getting this news, I don’t know that I’d take it this well. Lucille: But you said he was all right. Doctor: Yes, he’s lost his left hand. So he’s going to be “all right.” Lucille: [Jumping on the doctor] You son of a bitch! I hate this doctor!
My favorite running gag, love the literal doctor