Pretty sure you can just reuse your Reddit bot to spam here. If you’re already running one it’s not much effort to expand.
Is it bad if I thought of Professor X before Picard?
I’ve been using windows 11 since general release and have had zero issues. Not with ads, not with updates, not with one drive. Well, unless you count clicking away pop-ups to use new features from time to time. Not once has a file been saved to onedrive.
Inagine going back hundreds of years to convince everybody in the world to use the same time. “No I know not everybody has a clock, but if you could consider sunrise midday that would make my job in the future much easier.”
All the code I know is stackoverflow search results.
I love these, even though I know one day I will trip and fall into the marsh. It hasn’t happened yet, but I know it will.
Hungary is a silly place. The bathtub is upside down then.
It’s for scientific purposes!
Just call 'em seaturtles and landturtles like other Germanic languages. Then you can just ask them how they identify and throw them wherever is best suited.
You have the most appropiate username.
Are all these layoffs needed or are game companies just copying each other?
I am continually amazed by the USA. How does he get so much support? Why are all your candidates walking corpses? How did it get to this point?
Would be interesting if the rest of the campaigns took place in the same senior care facility.
He just wants a little bit of war. Nothing crazy.
Dit pik ik niet. Na school achter het fietsenhok of anders.
I started watching The Nanny a few days ago (have seen a lot on tv, but never everything) and in one of the first episodes they make a joke about being worried about Global Warming. It was lighthearted, not very serious. That was 1993.