Afaik the focus is repairability and sustainability, not privacy.
Afaik the focus is repairability and sustainability, not privacy.
None with the same set of features out there afaik. I use uBlock Origin with dynamic filtering.
Just in case you didn’t know, umatrix development ended 2 years ago and there are unpatched vulnerabilities :(
Nah you can go ahead without watching Discovery. You might miss out on some references but the major plot points are explained.
Definetly give Lower Decks a chance. Strange New Worlds is really good too imo. Its worth noting that it is a spinoff of Discovery. Specifically season 2 I think.
Automatic handling of GDPR consent forms
DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials
I mostly use this for the email protection (highly recommended!)
Drag scrollbar with middlemouse button anywhere on the page.
That does seem a lot better to me than crypto and ad networks.