Endeavouraos, arch but also easy
Endeavouraos, arch but also easy
Smino just in general. love for rent is pretty good
Carrot Season too classic hip hop
If you’re willing to go a bit out of hip hop you’d probably love Dijon. Our tastes seem pretty similar. I’m assuming you listen to Freddie Gibbs? If not Bandana for sure collab with madlib and it sounds amazing
I have the same problem tab suspender addons really help with that.
Its honestly amazing. I keep hearing bitwig is the way to go if you want to use linux and also be happy
There are alternative DAWs but ngl they all make me sad. And some vsts are a nightmare to get running too.
But they are alot better than trying to get fl running on Linux imo. Check out zrythm if you ever have some time to kill. It sounds lile the most promising one.
I like playing tall and I’m not a huge fan of the micromanagement that comes with the sprawling empires. Civ 5 limits this through happiness. Civ 6 doesnt. Throw in an artstyle that i dont like and i just dont want to play it as much
If the data stays on a local device why is drm protection even necessary 🤔
Duckduckgo, kagi, and Searxng are the ones i hear about the most
I asked myself the same thing bc i read this and I’m still skeptical.
I don’t think they could present anything that would exonerate them except literal recordings proving the accuaations false. Which sucks if they’re innocent, but like i said im skeptical.
What sits wrong with me here is that one of the underlying complaints was on the basis of there being few or no other women in the workplace and it allowing for the existence of a hostile work environment. Thats not a problem that gets fixed by suing the woman speaking out on these potential issues.
I’d start watching them again if they prove consistently that they are trying to resolve the underlying issues that were brought up. Having more female representation etc. That and time.
Iirc manjaros problem is that its half arch in that it does staggered updates which doesnt mesh well with aur.
EndeavourOS handles the install so you dont have go through a complicated install just like manjaro does. But from there you basically have a barebones arch install with no staggered updates or anything. So all the kde packages should be up to date there too.
I did try manjaro forst and ditched it but i dont remember why.
I do use gnome though so take this with a grain of salt.
I can say I’ve never had a stability issue with arch though.
Distro hopping gets addictive and honestly if you’re happy with where you are i wouldnt recommend you switch anything.
Buuuuut if you’re going to do it anyways EndeavourOS. Its arch for begginers you can branch out to more complex things if you want but the install is painless and works out the box. Arch is in general VERY customizable but its a double edged sword so having guardrails during the setup is helpful.
Plumbing. I could live without almost every modern comfort but a flushable toilet
The software developer in me hates you. You’re not wrong but still 😡
This one surprises me. I had always thought Quebec had a strong cultural identity. How do you see it happening?
EndeavourOs makes it super simple too
Seriously how is this technology?
The most 7/10 game I’ve ever played. But it was still fun