Sigh. I mean… it’s a good joke but yeesh
Sigh. I mean… it’s a good joke but yeesh
How did it not go well? The article just details how people are defending his record and beliefs but shows no repercussions nor is it “not going well” for his defenders. He is second in line for the presidency with insane beliefs and theocratic tendencies. Sure seems to be going just fine for him, unfortunately for us.
Luckily it looks like that crust needs at least a few more minutes cooking so that’ll kill any bacteria
It’s the sisters of your parents.
It’s Upsy, your lifting friend!
AntennaPod user for years and years here too. I’ve tried other ones but always come back. It’s in the regular play store as well if that’s easier for folks.
Why don’t I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into Jobland where jobs grow on jobbies.
New to this, so since my account was created on I’m not seeing them? I definitely see posts from that everyone is claiming upset about. I haven’t seen anything from hexbear that I know of though which is the other name being thrown around. But others with accounts created on other instances may see them in their feed, they are not necessarily seeking them out to find reasons to be upset. I think that makes sense.
Still appears disproportionately to be people complaining about support as opposed to support itself.
I see very very little actual support of Hamas so far but a TON of people complaining about seeing support of Hamas. I browse “everything” in Sync for Lemmy on Android if that helps. There more posts complaining about posts than actual problem posts. Hamas is inhumane; Israel is inhumane. Both things can be true at the same time.
I think I’m confused. I haven’t seen any left leaning people support Russia or China. It’s right leaning people that support them. What am I missing? Also I’ve never seen any left leaning people say Russia and China are actually socialist or communist since the 80s or 90s. I’ve seen right leaning people claim that lefties believe that but never any examples in real life.
💥💥 knock on the 🚪