15 year old crack.
15 year old crack.
Yeah smoked it a couple of times. Wasn’t as good as expected. We were all quite in to party drugs, ie ecstasy, speed, coke, acid etc. The buzz on crack wasn’t a patch on a good trip!
How did you guess?
Look you’ve been shot down so many times by so many people, but ‘they’re all wrong and I’m right’ is your take away?
I’m beginning to think troll rather than misguided.
I’ll say it loud so those at the back can hear too:
It really is quite simple.
Blocking you seems like the best idea in this thread so far.
Absolutely we all have blind spots, I just think OP’s blind spot is addressing ‘white people’ like none of us live with, and around many cultures, not just races.
If someone were to address my local Polish or Bangladeshi or Muslim or whatever community the same way OP is addressing ‘white people’ in this post I would call it borderline racist and in fact it would fit in OP’s original ‘don’t do’ list.
I appreciate it probably comes from good intentions, but generalizing how entire groups of people should change to suit another group of people is a slippery slope.
As someone interviewed on TV asked; Are these more adverts rather than artworks?
No, but the things they are saying, maybe inadvertently, are starting to seem that way.
Swap ‘black’ and ‘white’ in their do not do list. Does it sound racist now?
As you say, all racism isn’t obvious. A quick look at their post history shows 7 or 8 race related posts recently.
Repeatedly stating white people should do or not do specific things.
This seems to me like the definition of racism at it’s roots.
There’s currently only 1 user that I’ve noticed that keeps bringing race up.
So an amputation heals faster? Fast enough? Must have been some injury!
That’s fair enough, but it seems it should be obvious that the weighting of browser choice, not moral for most, it’s a browser, and massive diet change based entirely on subjective morality are just not comparable.
Suggesting a browser or bashing a corporate brand are not the same as encouraging morally driven life choices. Is that not obvious?
Looks interesting!
Signed up and will be trying this!
A quarter century of shameless piracy! Now that’s something to celebrate!
Still mainly use them!
Who is ‘we all’? I must have missed that day. Any link to the thread?
I will warn you, it does have a silly name
Why though? A catchy and memorable name, I understand, but why silly? Who wants to say to people they belong to the ‘quackhouse’ instance, or whatever?
A Kerbal Space Program community: [email protected]
It’s an older game but it checks out! I know there must be a lot of others that still enjoy KSP and it would be nice for this community to take off 🖖
There are more of us out there.