And the thing is, I think the reality is even worse than that.
Current AI models aren’t going to lead to general AI, we need something radically different. The current “static” neural network models just won’t cut it, we need something like spiking neural networks so the AI can be “on” all the time.
Actual AGI is probably still so far away that I doubt mass-scale industrial society has enough years left before either the climate or some other human-caused idiotic omnifuck kicks the chair away from under it.
We meatbags have to be the absolute worst role models for AIs
Fines levied by the EU can be pretty damn stiff though, so I doubt Bluesky can afford to just ignore the DSA
Oh it’s the rule 30 sea snail! Didn’t know they were super poisonous, huh
Reality isn’t a video game: you can’t just “tank nukes”.
Even a limited nuclear conflict between, say, India and Pakistan would likely lead to a global food security disaster and could kill up to a third of the world’s population – see eg this article (open access). That’s using less than 3% of the world’s total nuclear stockpile
edit: welp I didn’t notice I was in NCD
Lots of our battery powered devices have a bunch of literal antennas, though. I actually don’t know the frequency ranges on which an EMP can be expected to “pump out” significant amounts of energy, but if there’s enough in the bands where WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS etc operate that’s going to fry devices that don’t have some sort of protection built in. I also have no clue how common it is for radio modules used in consumer stuff to protect against voltage surges on their antennas, but somehow I’d imagine it’s not very common.
Current models point towards a max ~6°C anomaly for the pessimistic (and, imo, most probable) scenarios where we continue acting as we are now.
I feel we’re dealing with some sort of Trolley Problem scenario here
Nah, just making a silly joke about guns usually not bringing things alive
Surprisingly enough it’s an oven for toasting things.
They’re not super common outside North America as far as I can tell, or at least I don’t think I’ve ever seen them here in Yurop (well except in like cafés etc. of course). Don’t really see the point, I can just use my oven to toast things
I’m unaware of an ammunition type that can bring things to life
Misandry is when people say Tater tots don’t shower or that women would rather date women
Eh, I guess it could but it’d be a bit of a reach. The 2nd meme has no labels, and I just read it as being something like the 4B movement – many women just don’t want to date guys anymore
And what exactly was “misandrist” in this meme?
Why do people still think this is simply a boomer problem? After the recent election even the US is waking up to the fact that Gen Z (and younger) generations are much more conservative than Millennials.
This is not a generational issue, the problem is not age. The problem is conservatism.
In the future, computers will do all our art and entertainment for us so we can concentrate on making rich people more money. Yay!
And how likely is it that a conservative majority SC will stand up to Trump?
The law’s impact on Bell’s experience highlights the inhumane consequences of abortion restrictions, which can lead to unnecessary suffering and even death.
The purpose of a system is what it does
Weird API. Returning the text for deleted comments and then expecting clients to redact it seems highly silly