That’s well spotted, well done
That’s well spotted, well done
That’s a lovely shot. I’d have been thrilled to get it.
To my reading, it’s dog whistle racist. That is, you know it’s racist without mentioning race. So it’s not “straight up racist as fuck” but it is “racist as fuck”.
Borg… it sounds Swedish
Still them. Sorry
He can’t whistle or sneeze properly though. He’s therefore basically useless.
That’s fucking amazing. I’d thought the Morn/Gorn rhyme had potential when I first saw Gorn start trending.
Because of this sub, I’ve started rewatching TNG for the first time in 20 years. Getting my GF to join is harder haha
Worf already has the Karen haircut
I like how much Kirk looks like Joe Rogan while disputing qualified medical advice.
That’s the Lloyd Irvin defence
The hateful eight. Well, cut my legs off and call me shorty if I don’t laugh every time.