But… but musk said that starlink isn’t meant to be used for WAR! He surely wouldn’t lie in order to attempt to spin his intent to prolong the war and sell to the other side through an intermediary!!!
But… but musk said that starlink isn’t meant to be used for WAR! He surely wouldn’t lie in order to attempt to spin his intent to prolong the war and sell to the other side through an intermediary!!!
I can see people bopping along to music and ignoring the non-chorus lyrics but x-men, the half century old segregation allegory with enough content to occupy a small library… that is a hard sell. It feels insincere.
I require an example of someone stating that x-men isn’t woke. I don’t believe anyone could avoid understanding that.
Alabama is looking to police and control people, the text they’re deriving the idea from is irrelevant aside from being invocable and authoritative. Read The Handmaid’s Tale to see a glorious breakdown of the methodology.
And then things got worse.
NYC may actually have trouble maintaining a police department if the trumpets march out. Could you imagine his face if Trump accidentally created the first large majority left-wing police department?
Thankfully, the younger you get tinnitus, the easier it is to ignore. Unless someone mentions it, I don’t notice.
If they exclusively targeted larger companies, they’d be fine with me. Generally, the way they operate is to first strike smaller, more vulnerable companies to build their case before suing a larger one. Patent reform can’t come soon enough.
“Major Xbox,” oh, are they updating the Xbox? Maybe buying another company? “…influencers,” and you lost my interest.
Wait, what’s this about lending??
Imagine bestowing your hat upon your progeny after stowing it away for 300+ million years. That’s devotion.
Popcorn is banned since the Havana incident. But yes, let’s get crazy, fellow dissident. jaja
Option c seems far and away the best. The reason I browse certain communities over others comes down to admin moderation. Certain instances have stricter admin control and seek to influence political dialogue one way or another. I just don’t want to get banned again for posting the word “tankie” when it’s entirely relevant to the discussion at hand.
“Son, I’m profoundly disappointed. I raised you not to stoop to such awful perversion. You’ve managed to ignore the rule of thirds and even moved the focus from your eyes. Hand me the camera so we can do this right.”
Not sure if you’re aware of what happened to .world for a few months. If you decide to ascribe any political philosophy or moderation ethics to sublinks, it may be worth checking out the attack vectors used over there. Optimizing sql lookups extendedly occupied the .world admins so you’re already a bit ahead of the curve there.
You advertise to your audience. Ads targeting the perverse and the stupid seem perfectly suited to twitter.
As always, it’s hard to determine what is AI and what is a filter. The guy whose entire face was edited to be flat and tilted 10 degrees toward the camera got me. That said, 8/10. The first two clued me into what the author was going for and I got the rest right.
I honestly haven’t noticed any changes. 2 months after the rexodus and the honeymoon phase ended, things stabilized. Some drama with tankies but not much else. People here are just as generally rude or kind as they’ve ever been.
Could be internal damage. At least, that was the case with my old phone.
Eagles aren’t safe either