If you really want to fight back check out the federated alternative FunkWhale
If you really want to fight back check out the federated alternative FunkWhale
Nginx was the easiest to setup for me at the time and I’ve no reason to fix what isn’t broken.
Yeah but if those deaths would have been abortions anyway its a win to the forced birthers
Keylogging or screen recording basically.
You can use any DE you want on just about any distro you want
I’ve had good luck using phind.com for things when I need help because it actually cites sources which give you further context.
How do you mean they are spamming?
Mint is a good alterative. It has an xfce edition.
Not Compatible with what exactly? It works on my 20 year old ipod using rockbox, any modern players should support it.
Since FLAC tend to be around 1444kbps I use 144kbps opus and that makes them abour 10% of the size.
Using a live usb is the correct answer since compiling a custom initramfs would require one anyway and just add more steps… Not sure what gives you the impression using a liveusb is “more complicated” but its not.
Well now I just want to do it more.
Mail carriers are not idiots, they just discard the thing as trash since its obviously not an envelope… Business reply mail will only ever be paper letters, so what you actually want to do is just send whatever it is back to them with useless information or if its an actual envelope you can stuff it with glitter or shred the paper inside, its still technically “improper use” but they won’t know that until its at the destination.
Can you upgrade the desktop? What speed is your laptops WiFi?
I just use rsync manually until I have syncthig working but these don’t really solve slowdown issues and aren’t mounted. I would look into a better NIC and/or storage for the desktop or possibly your router.
Try using something like iperf to measure raw speed of the connection between your 2 systems, see if its what it should be (around 300-600mbps for wireless to wired locally) and try to narrow down where the bottleneck is.
Frp or nginx are both available on openWRT to do what you want.
I use boost and voyager
Glad you found what you need. Ive never needed any browser plugins to use JDL2, it just works with copy and past and monitors your clipboard,
I’d just host them in a library only visible to mom and members that would want to view it.
Also consider the unintentionally comedic value of such films, they’re sometimes fun to watch just because of how bad they are.
Jdownloader2 is the the best, I’ve not used anything else for years.
Linux Mint Debian Edition if you find Debian itself too intimidating.
This sure sounds like advice to me, maybe next time just dont mention you are an accountant and you can give advice without being held accountable.