Ooh. Dunno about the adaptation side of things. I will say that I read the damned thing all in one night. Had to stay home from classes after doing so. Good book, to say the least.
Ooh. Dunno about the adaptation side of things. I will say that I read the damned thing all in one night. Had to stay home from classes after doing so. Good book, to say the least.
I think they are buying carve outs for the tariffs
Yah. Mine just has full on knife wounds from that.
Well, when no justice is occurring in the justice system, this is the logical next step.
Decent people are getting pushed too far- they are going more mainstream with each insult, financial hit, and knowledge of the two-tiered justice system.
I’ve been saying it for years, if the Rich are not held accountable, the only option is vigilante justice. Unfortunately, it will have a lot of by-catch. But it’s not the general population‘s fault that it will come to this. It is people with money and power.
With Molina, we would lose $30 by the time that the patient got in the room. We had to drop them as they refused to reimburse any better, even through all the inflation of everything else.
The healthcare ones are real. I hear it from my own patients. I have to apologize for my job sector too frequently to women of color.
Either that or chew on its ear. That is normal, right?
I think this is a render. There is no water disturbance from the helicopter.
I mean, he has to for the shareholders. Legally required and all.
No. It is consistent. Bodily autonomy for everyone. You don’t get to go into the populations as a plague rat and kill others with your idiocy, though. That impinges on their freedoms.
You will want to be sure to sift them a little, as there will be a lot of stones in them, in my experience.
Ok. That is until the Ukraine bit. Russia chose to invade. It was made very clear in the press that the US knew what was happening on the border and gave Putin every chance to stop it Ukraine is a sovereign country and did not want more Russian influence and was courting EU membership.
A quality, subject appropriate song.
It has SWARES!! SWARES, I tell you!