“Bread and circuses” only works when you make bread and circuses available to the people. They’re starting to take them away and people are not going to stand for this bullshit without their creature comforts.
“Bread and circuses” only works when you make bread and circuses available to the people. They’re starting to take them away and people are not going to stand for this bullshit without their creature comforts.
Shran is best Coombs.
This article is giving top 10 numbers from one through ten energy
Check your local laws and ordinances, your landlords may be required to provide itemized expenses to you within a certain time frame. Where I am, it’s within 30 days.
Who the hell refers to their significant other as their “lover”?
You’re right, this isn’t news and doesn’t belong here. This is an opinion piece.
If I have enough money to worry about my kids’ inheritance, I’m probably not maxing out credit cards to buy groceries.
If I don’t, then fuck it, they can take 10 or 20k off the sale of my house and live with that.
And in the latter case, why are my kids expecting inheritance after not helping me with affording essentials?
Super Mario World feels like the most Mario game.
Super Mario 64 is my most nostalgic.
Super Mario Odyssey is a masterpiece and imo the overall best Mario game.
This is what gets me about the sentiment of “humans lived for hundreds of thousands of years without toothpaste/sunscreen/antibiotics/vaccines/etc and we were just fine!”
My dude, we were most definitely not fine. A lot of people died painful and preventable deaths, many of them children, and we’re around today because existing that way was just good enough to keep us going as a species.