I honestly think that might be a pretty bad metric because most murders belong to three categories.
- Gangrelated
- Domestic
- Spontaneous (often psychological problems/alcohol-drugs involved).
For 2 and 3, i don’t believe any ethnicity is exempt.
All that statistic will show is that it’s far more dangerous to be a criminal wifebeating drunk than the average population and i haven’t heard of many jew-gangs.
Example- a gang fight causes 100 people to die. One jew is killed from an antisemitic crime. Now, if the jewish population is 1% of the total population, we would have an equal amount of jewish deaths as the average population, but criminals mostly kill eachother so it’s still obviously more dangerous to be a criminal than a jew but the antisemitic crime weighs more compared to the non-criminal population. So we would have to exclude a whole bunch of murder causes to get a reasonable result and define those, or you know, just use the antisemitic deaths as a factor from the start.
Being a criminal is also affected by ones social status so you’re pretty much contradicting youself here. I know what gang-related crime looks like as i was raised in a suburb with majority mena-immigrants along with having worked as a correctional officer to pay for my living situation while studying for my university degree. Jews were not part of that culture, because frankly they were quite hated in those parts of society. My statistics from the crime-prehentetive counsil in sweden mentions that it amounts for about a third of violent deaths, while the larger part of the rest is the second and third category. It might be lower in some areas in europe like portugal and maybe portugal don’t have many killed jews at all. I don’t agree with the metric because you can still be unsafe even if your life is not on the line consistently, but you might still be approached on the street, assaulted and fear terrorist attacks, which definitely have happened. Perhaps that is where our points of view differ to much to come to a common conclusion.