You can run Windows on Apple Silicon in a VM. These people are just wrong. Also Windows for ARM exists.
You can run Windows on Apple Silicon in a VM. These people are just wrong. Also Windows for ARM exists.
This is hilariously wrong. I have run virtual machines on Apple Silicon myself. They literally built a virtualization framework for the product in question.
My god you’re calling me a fanboy long after I sold the only Apple device I owned. Like it’s actually hilarious in how off the mark you are. It wasn’t long ago I was getting downvoted on Reddit for suggesting someone not buy their girlfriend a macbook.
I am well aware of the compatibility issues, it’s why I sold my M1 machine. The thing is you were specifically talking about Windows as an example of something that needs emulation, which it doesn’t. It’s specific applications that need “emulation”, which isn’t even a normal emulator. For macOS applications they mainly use static recompilation, and for Windows apps dynamic recompilation (dynarec) is used. Windows for ARM translation layer basically acts like a JIT compiler.
Apple’s implementation is actually shockingly good because they built an x86 like memory coherency mode into the M family SoCs (specifically in the performance cores) and because they are using the static recompilation that I mentioned. Apps running in a Windows for ARM VM couldn’t use that last time I owned a MacBook.
Nope, they use Windows for ARM
You can run virtual machines on Apple Silicon. I have done it myself. Also Razer are known for bad reliability.
Don’t know why people are downvoting you here. This OSI definition definitely isn’t modern and doesn’t match what people expect when they see open source.
I wasn’t suggesting to actually do this. I was trying to point out that it’s quite difficult to make in the first place…
You don’t necessarily have to use ergot though that is probably simpler. I believe there is a total synthesis.
For lots of people even survival is difficult is the point
I mean if you can work out how to synthesize it. I believe it requires a fair bit of equipment and chemistry knowledge.
They aren’t denying any genocide.
Flu shots are only given to the elderly and vulnerable where I live. It’s weird to see people talking about getting the flu shot like it’s a normal thing.
Hyponatremia wouldn’t happen without the drug. Nothing you have said changes that.
I have maintained that 500mg is dangerous and lethal in the right circumstances. It’s not my fault you don’t understand what circumstances are. The lethality of this particular drug like any drug is dependent on the individual and the situation. People have literally died at 500mg.
The only person moving goalposts here is you.
Bait and switch.
I never said doing 300mg total was dangerous. I said doing 500mg+ is dangerous especially when you’re taking more after that.
It’s like me saying having a whole bottle of vodka is a bad idea and then you turning around and going having a few pints is fine.
You’ve spent half this time defending people that take 1g at a time and now you’re turning around and saying something sensible to defend yourself. Bait and switch much?
The fact you have to say probably not deadly is because we both know it’s killed people, especially women. Like yeah you could be fine, or you could end up in hospital/dead. Why take the risk? Or at least own up to the fact it is a risk.
I’ve not said anything that isn’t true so why you want to call me misleading I don’t know. This is why e-tards are fucking annoying, cause you don’t admit what you do is dangerous or reckless. When I do drugs recklessly I can admit it and tell other people it’s a stupid fucking idea, even if I got lucky and was fine. You just want to pretend everything you do is safe so you can feel better about yourself and your friends (until someone dies cause their tolerance isn’t as high as they thought).
won’t kill u assuming u stay hydrated yet not overhydrated and don’t overexert yourself
As if over hydration isn’t exactly what kills people. Tell me do you know of hyponatremia?
I am not a fucking American. I have seen people drop 1g into a drink and chug the whole thing. That doesn’t make it smart. Yeah it’s sometimes survivable (2g is thought to be the lethal dose), but that doesn’t make it not risky.
I am guessing you’re a man as well as this has a significant impact on hospitalisations and lethality. Have a read of this:
The thing I really don’t get is why on earth you would want to do that much. Like at 500mg you’ve pretty much hit receptor saturation already. Doing more than that makes no sense. People who do 1g at a time tend to act like knob heads anyway, probably because they’ve done too much and make it everyone else’s problem.
Is it the RoG Strix by any chance?
Yeah Apple products aren’t exactly durable. Still I hope you have a service contract with razor.