What is your source for this claim?
What is your source for this claim?
This is correct. They had to shove a ton of initiatives into the reconcilation to get anything done with Sinema and Manchin blocking everything.
And exactly how would Biden get anything through a Senate currently spilt between the two parties? You would need 60 votes to overcome the constant filibusters the Rs would throw up since this would not be a budgetary vote.
Last time I checked, there are only 48 Dems plus three independents who caucus with the Dems, for a total of 51. We’d need at least 62 to account for Sinema and Manchin, so expecting Biden to solve this is delusional.
That’s exactly it. Deleted my Instagram account when I learned they signed me up for a Threads account automatically. Haven’t used Insta in years, but Mark says I have to have a Threads account. So Fuck Zuck.
Might have been a HIMARS strike. Those things can make quite a mess.